Master VEG Resources: Food and Agriculture
Food Industry
Foodopoly: The Battle Over The Future Of Farming In America by Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food and Water Watch, 2012. A well-researched description of our current farming system, the many problems due to corporate dominance, and what we can do to change it.Food Politics: How The Food Industry Influences Nutrition And Health
By Marion Nestle, Nutrition Chair at New York University and award winning author. 2013 ed. Nestle is a distinguished professor in nutrition, with a background of service in both government and academia.
Organic Manifesto: How Organic Farming Can Heal Our Planet, Feed The World, and Keep Us Safe
Maria Rodale (2010). In this book Maria Rodale contends that agricultural systems globally must move to organic practices to preserve our rapidly deteriorating topsoil. Farming must revert to practices that avoid chemical inputs that poison all forms of life. Fertile soil, with it's high carbon content, helps absorb carbon dioxide, therefore, reducing the impact of global climate change. Fertile soil retains moisture, significantly reducing increasingly-scarce potable water.
Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice In A Time Of Climate Crisis
Vandana Shiva (2008). Vandana Shiva reveals what connects humanity's most urgent crises: food insecurity, peak oil, and climate change. All three must be addressed together. She argues for a return to sustainable agricultural practices and principles, and a world based on self-organization, community, and environmental justice.
Omnivore's Dilemma (2006)
In Defense of Food (2008)
Michael Pollan
Two very popular books by a journalist and omnivore that point out the troubling changes in our food system.
Appetite For Profit
How The Food Industry Undermines Our Health And How To Fight Back
By Michele Simon, Public Health Attorney. 2006
Food Fight: The Inside Story of the Food Industry, America's Obesity Crisis, and What We Can Do About It
By Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen, academics with the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders. 2003
Food Fight: The Citizen's Guide To A Food And Farm Bill
By Daniel Imhoff, Executive Director of Watershed Media, award winning author and publisher. 2012 ed.
Fast Food Nation
Eric Schlosser
Information graphics assembled by Professor Philip Howard of Michigan State University. Find this chart and another on the changing seed industry structure at
Sustainable Agriculture
Food Choice And Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work by Dr. Richard Oppenlander. 2013. The author examines global depletion including over-extraction of resources, global warming, and continuing ecosystem failures.Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, part of USDA
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Includes an informative and comprehensive weekly blog on all national and state farm issues. To get an understanding of sustainable agriculture practices, click on Publications and select NSAC 2013 Annual Report.
Union For Concerned Scientists
World Watch: Food Feature
News, reports and information about sustainable agriculture & related issues from an omnivore viewpoint.
Oregon Tilth
Information on organic agriculture and organic certification from a lead organization.
Vegan Organic Network
Agriculture without using animal products - mainly European
Veganic Agriculture Network
Agriculture without using animal products - new (and smaller) North American web site
Resources for GE/GMO Foods
See Foodopoly, described above, for details on GMOs. Chapters 12-14 cover the subject well.The World According To Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and The Control Of Our Food Supply
Marie-Monique Robin (2010). Ms Robin is a awarding winning French journalist and film maker who has undertaken a thorough investigation of the Monsanto Corporation from it's troubling past producing PCBs and Agent Orange to it's current legal and political tactics to maintain a monopoly on seeds and food production through intellectual property rights.
The Food Revolution
By John Robbins, award winning author of 6 books and founder of Earth Save International, part IV (75 page critique). 2001
Seeds of Deception
By Jeffrey Smith, Researcher and Author. 2003.
A detailed picture of evidence amassed about injustices perpetrated for huge profits.
Genetic Roulette
By Jeffrey M. Smith (2006)
Genetically modified food and potential dangers to public health.
Food Fray: Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Foods
By Lisa Weasel, Molecular Biologist and tenured Professor of Biology at Portland State Univ., 2009.
Dr. Weasel presents a global perspective derived from intensive research.
Northwest Rage (centered in Portland)
Organic Consumers Association - Genetically Engineered Food
News, articles & resources about GMOs.
Seeds of Deception
Genetic engineering and genetically modified foods from an opponent's perspective.
True Food Now Shoppers Guide
Learn about which products & brands are genetically engineered.
Cornucopia Institute, information and newsletter at
Fair Trade
The Fair Trade
Global Exchange
Find out about fair trade products and resources.