Master VEG Resources: Animals
BOOKS: Animal Behavior and Treatment
Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals (2010)Pleasurable Kingdom: Animals & the Nature of Feeling Good (2007)
By Jonathan Balcombe
What do animals feel? What do they think? The author uses scientific evidence and anecdotes to demonstrate how animals experience the world in a variety of ways.
The Ten Trusts: What We Must Do to Care for the Animals We Love
By Jane Goodall and Mark Bekoff (2003 ed.)
Offers "a prescriptive conservation plan designed to protect animals as well as help educate people about the importance of saving both animals and the environment."
When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals
By Jeffrey M. Masson (1996)
Animals do have emotions, and there is plenty of evidence. Masson shares numerous well-documented examples.
An Unnatural Order: Roots of Our Destruction of Nature
By Jim Mason (2005 ed.)
A plea for a total rethinking of our relationship to the animal world.
Animal Liberation
By Peter Singer (2001 ed.)
Singer is often credit with being a major catalyst for the animal rights movement. This book uses farmed animals and animal experimentation to explore animal rights through a utilitarian perspective.
The Case for Animal Rights
by Tom Regan (1983, 1985,2004)
Regan's view is that each of us, including animals, has a life that matters to us, and thus should have the right not to be treated just as the means to someone else's ends.
Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals & the Holocaust
By Charles Patterson (2002 ed.)
"Describes disturbing parallels between how the Nazis treated their victims and how modern society treats animals."
Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals & the Call to Mercy
By Matthew Scully (2003)
Explores a wide spectrum of views on the uses of animals by humans and calls for more humane treatment.
The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery
By Marjorie Spiegel (1997 ed.)
An "in-depth exploration of the similarities between the violence humans have wrought against other humans and our culture's treatment of animals."
BOOKS: Farm Animals
The Inner World of Farm Animals: Their Amazing Social, Emotional, and Intellectual CapabilitiesBy Amy Hatkoff (2009)
Combines the latest research with surprising stories about the minds of farm animals.
The Pig Who Sang to the Moon: The Emotional World of Farm Animals
By Jeffrey M. Masson (2004 ed.) "From field and barn, to pen and coop, Masson bears witness to the emotions and intelligence[ed] animals, each unique with distinct qualities."
Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect & Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry
By Gail Eisnitz (2006 ed.)
An expose of slaughterhouse conditions and their impact on "workers, animals and consumers."
Meat Market: Animals, Ethics & Money
By Erik Marcus (2005)
"Presents a thorough examination of animal agriculture's cruelties and its far-reaching social costs." Marcus also "evaluates where the [animal protection] movement has gone wrong, and how its shortcomings could best be remedied."
Animal Minds National Geographic March 2008 pp 36-61by Virginia Morell
A look into a lot of things animals can do that we never thought they could do.
Satya Magazine September 2006 and October 2006 Issue
Satya magazine has since ceased publication, but these two issues contain dozens of essays and interviews with leading writers and thinkers about the path that those interested in improving the way humans treat animals should be taking.
The Case for Animal Rights
by Tom Regan Rights.pdf Contrast this paper with Peter Singer's, below.
The Animal Liberation Movement
by Peter Singer This and the Tom Regan article above offer an interesting contrast in views of animal rights and animal interests.
WEBSITES: Animal Issues
Humane Society of the United
Learn about the issues related to animal protection from the largest animal protection organization in the nation. Also includes coverage of international issues.
In Defense of Animals
"Working to protect the rights, welfare and habitats of animals." Find information and resources about a variety of animal protection issues
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
The world's largest animal protection organization. Be sure their information/assertions are verified elsewhere before you share them with others.
Animal Legal & Historical Information Center
Get your U.S. animal law info here! Includes statutes, full-text cases, articles, topic explorations & more. Searchable by state, subject and species. Also includes selected animal laws for twelve other countries.
Animal Concerns Community
This community serves as a clearinghouse for information on the Internet related to animal rights and welfare.
Animals Voice
Find an endless amount of news, information and resources on animal protection issues. Note: Since so much of the information offered is linked from other groups, be sure to verify accuracy.
WEBSITES: Farm Animals
Compassion Over
A D.C.-based group that's very effective in promoting veg eating & in working against animal abuse, especially in animal agriculture.
Vegan Outreach
Excellent information about adopting a healthy, compassionate lifestyle.
Humane Society of the United States
Effective political work on factory farming issues.
Farm Sanctuary
An organization that operates farm animal sanctuaries & wages campaigns to stop the exploitation of animals for food.
Mercy for Animals
An organization that conducts farm animal investigations, promotes humane education, vegan diets, and outreach.
Humane Farming Association
An organization that campaigns against "factory farming and slaughterhouse abuses."