Veg Challenge
The 22 Day Veg Challenge, sponsored by Northwest VEG, will demystify veganism through daily food and lifestyle challenges. It will be fun and easy, with lots of support available to answer questions and share tips. Click here for a list of tips .
Thank you for participating in our last Challenge! Stay tuned for dates of the next one.
Here is how it works:
Complete the online form (below) and the survey on the following page to be entered into the challenge.
Keep an eye out for an invitation to join our private Facebook group, where we'll be answering questions and providing a community of support before, during, and after the challenge.
Watch your inbox or the Facebook page for the daily challenges beginning on October 28th.
While you're at it, challenge your family and friends to join too!
If you are interested in working with an experienced person, you'll have the option of requesting a mentor right after you register for the Challenge.
If you are already vegan but still want to participate, please sign up to be a mentor by clicking here !
Join us at the following Challenge events:
Sign-up today!
We need to gather a bit more information to help provide you the best experience for the challenge. This should only take a couple minutes.
Age Group
Choose an answer
19 or Under
20 to 39
40 to 59
60 or Over
Thinking about your diet over the past month, please select the responses that best describe how often you eat each type of food.
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(apples, bananas, oranges, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(fried chicken, in soup, grilled chicken, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(turkey dinner, turkey sandwich, in soup, etc.)
Fish and Seafood
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(tuna, shrimp, crab, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(ham, pork chops, ribs, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(steak, meatballs, in tacos, etc.)
Other Meat
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(duck, lamb, venison, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(tofu, chickpeas, chili, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(omelet, in salad, in baked goods, etc.)
Choose an answer
Less than 1 time per week
1-6 times per week
1-3 times per day
4 or more times per day
(breads, pasta, rice, etc.)
How important to you is the welfare and protection of animals raised for food?
Choose an answer
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not at All Important
Do Not Know
How knowledgeable do you feel about issues that affect the welfare of animals raised for food?
Choose an answer
Very Knowledgeable
Somewhat Knowledgeable
Not Very Knowledgeable
Not at All Knowledgeable
Do Not Know
Do you agree or disagree that farm animals deserve the same consideration as pets and other animals?
Choose an answer
Strongly Agree
No Opinion
Strongly Disagree
Do Not Know
Thank you!
We'll be in touch soon. If you are also interested in having a mentor for the challenge, please sign up to get a mentor here.
Please join our 22-Day Veg Challenge community on Facebook by following this link .
If you are interested in reading about nutrition topics, check out the following: