Supporting Portland's Vegan, Vegetarian, and Veg-curious Community

Northwest VEG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Portland, OR that works to educate and encourage people to make vegan choices for a healthy, sustainable, and compassionate world.
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Dining Guide
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Vegan Movie

Educational Presentations and Media Spots

Northwest VEG strives to provide educational resources to the Portland community - and beyond - at little to no cost. Following are links to presentations organized by Northwest VEG.

Dr. Sailesh Rao: The 2026 Great Transition Tour
Presented by Northwest VEG, the Animal Ministry, and the Community for Earth on June 23, 2017.

Kathy Hessler, JD, LLC: Legal Challenges and Strategies for Protecting Animals and Activists
Presented at the 2016 Portland VegFest on October 23, 2016.

Katie Cantrell: The Biggest Impact: How to Advocate to All Types of People.
Presented at the 2016 Portland VegFest on October 23, 2016.

Jonathan Balcombe: The Inner Lives of Animals.
Presented at the 2016 Portland VegFest on October 22, 2016.

Matt Ball: Can Our Choices Make a Difference?
Presented at the 2016 Portland VegFest on October 22, 2016.

Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD: Plant-Based and Powerful: What We Know About Vegan Athletes
Presented at the 2015 Northwest Health and Nutrition Conference on November 13, 2015.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau: I Couldn't Give Up Cheese and Other Myths about Vegan Living
Presented at Portland VegFest on November 14, 2015.

Dan Piraro: Food is Funny
Presented at Portland VegFest on November 14, 2015.

Mistress Ginger: Vegan Cookery Gone Wild
Presented at Portland VegFest on November 14, 2015.

Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH: Nutrition and Cancer: Stop Cancer with Whole Foods
Presented at Portland VegFest on November 14, 2015.

William Ripple, PhD: The Environmental Effects of Human Carnivory
Presented at Portland VegFest on November 15, 2015.

Jay Weiner, Gentle Barn: Living a Compassionate Life
Presented at Portland VegFest on November 14, 2015.

Dr. Will Tuttle (audio) October 28, 2015
Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the The World Peace Diet is a visionary educator and inspirational speaker and musician, has lectured and performed widely throughout North America and worldwide.

Click here to hear Will's talk.

Joel Fuhrman, MD: September 26, 2014
Combating Hunger and Obesity with a High Nutrient Dense Diet presented at the 2014 Conference Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition.

Sharon Palmer,RD: September 26, 2014
The Plant-Based Prescription for Inflammation presented at the 2014 Conference Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition.

Kent Thornberg, PhD: September 26, 2014
Uncovering the Roots of Disease: Epigenetics and Diet presented at the 2014 Conference Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition.

Carolyn Trapp, RN: September 26, 2014
Type 2 Diabetes: How to Use "Farmacy" Over Pharmacy for Prevention and Treatment presented at the 2014 Conference Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition.

Sara Love, ND and Wendy Abraham ND: September 26, 2014
The Gut Flora as a Forgotten Organ and How Plants Can Restore its Function presented at the 2014 Conference Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition.

Joel Fuhrman, MD: September 27, 2014
Treating Disease with a Nutritarian Diet: Part 1 presented at the 2014 Portland VegFest.

Joel Fuhrman, MD: September 27, 2014
Treating Disease with a Nutritarian Diet: Part 2 presented at the 2014 Portland VegFest.

Race for the Animals Perfect Playlist on 94/7 Alternative Portland: June 16, 2014
Chelsea Davis, Northwest VEG Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator and Karen Brokken, volunteer extraordinaire, joined DJ Gustav in the KNRK studio to share their Perfect Playlist and talk about Northwest VEG's 5th Annual Race for the Animals.
Click here to have a listen!

Craig McDougall, MD: March 16, 2014
Healthy Living presented at the Northwest VEG March 2014 Portland potluck.

Highlights from the 2nd Annual Tofurky Trot: November 28, 2014

Hans Diehl, MD: September 20, 2013
Diet in Regression of Heart Disease presented at Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition Medical Conference 2013.

John McDougall, MD: September 20, 2013
Autoimmune Disease and the Impact of Diet presented at Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition Medical Conference 2013.

Armaiti May, DVM: September 21, 2013
Vegan Diets for Dogs and Cats: Risks and Benefits presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Brenda Davis, RD: September 21, 2013
Becoming Vegan...In Great Health presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Chef AJ and John Pierre: September 22, 2013
Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Using Sugar presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Lani Muelrath, MA: September 22, 2013
Show me the Plants! How to Carve Your Figure with Your Fork presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Susan Levin, RD, MS, CSSD: September 22, 2013
True Science Behind Paleo, Blood Type, and Atkins presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Susan Levin, RD, MS, CSSD: September 21, 2013
Food Policy, Nutrition, and Health presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Victoria Moran: September 21, 2013
Living Well and Loving Life in the Real World presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Will Tuttle, PhD: September 21, 2013
The World Peace Diet: Being Healthy While Saving the Planet presented at Portland VegFest 2013.

Good Day Oregon Spot: September 19, 2013
Tim from Blossoming Lotus and Bonnie Hildebrand, Northwest VEG Event Coordinator, chat about the exciting upcoming Portland VegFest!

Race for the Animals Perfect Playlist on 94/7 Alternative Portland: June 25, 2013
Chelsea Davis, Karen Brokken and Bonnie Hildebrand joined DJ Gustav in the studio to share their perfect playlist and talk about Northwest VEG's 4th Annual Race for the Animals. Thank you to our superstar volunteer Karen Brokken for making this happen!
Click here to have a listen!

Arron Barnes: April 25, 2013
Owner of Absolutely Juicy shares with us his fascinating story about what brought him to a life a juice, the general benefits of juicing, whether fresh juice or smoothies are best, what the best ways of extracting juice is and where to find great recipes.
Presented at the Northwest VEG monthly Vancouver potluck.

Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr.: September 21, 2012
Treating the Cause to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Presented at Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition Professional Conference.

Steven Bailey, ND: March 18, 2012.
Steven Bailey has a Doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine and has been practicing in Portland, OR since 1983, with a specialty focus on juice fasting. He is also an author and a well known radio talk show host on diet related issues. In this lecture at a NW VEG potluck, he talks about "Diet and Function, a Question of Balance."

Kim Card: Jan. 15, 2012.
Kim Card, coordinator and packaging guru at People's Food Co-op in Portland, OR shares her depth of awareness on how to be sustainable with your shopping habits and more philosophically, with how you package yourself and your life. This video, from a NW VEG potluck, will stir some fresh thoughts into the mix, as you contemplate your footprints. Kim has a thought inspiring blog:

Ginny Messina, MPH, RD: Oct. 16, 2011.
Ginny discusses "Planning the Optimal Vegan Diet," as an overview of the book "Vegan for Life" (July, 2011) that she co-authored with Jack Norris, RD. You will learn about key nutrients of concern for vegans, and how to ensure that you meet those needs with your diet. Sorry for the audio 'technical problems' near the start. Recorded by NW VEG.

Ginny's helpful Vegan Nutrition Guide handout can be viewed and downloaded here.

Chef AJ: Sept. 18, 2011.
Chef AJ loves teaching people how to incorporate more fruit and vegetables in their diet in ways that are easy, delicious and fun, while avoiding "The Evil Trinity" (Sugar, Oil and Salt). Recorded by NW VEG.

Dr. Neal Barnard, President of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: Sept. 17, 2011.
Dr. Barnard discusses "Kickstarting Your Health" at VegFest 2011. Recorded by SMTV.

Wayne Pacelle, President of Humane Society of the United States: Sept. 17, 2011.
Wayne discussed his new book The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals at VegFest 2011. Recorded by Jim Lockhart.

Grant Butler: Going Vegan: A tasty, eye-opening journey. Sept. 18, 2011, Portland VegFest (Audio only)
Grant Butler has been writing about Oregon's food scene for nearly two decades, but completely changed his perspective when he switched to a plant-based diet two years ago. Here he shares his personal journey from a burger-gobbling kid to a kale-crazed adult, including how his new food choices have changed his family's dynamics and eating habits. He offers his assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of Portland's vegan community, offering a road map to where it's going and what needs to be done to get there, including a series of challenges for both vegans and omnivores designed to open hearts and minds about our shared future.
Click here to listen in.

George Wuerthner, Livestock and the Environment: July 17, 2011.
George Wuerthner is a photographer, author of 33 books, and tour guide who writes and speaks on environmental issues facing the West, with degrees in botany, wildlife biology, and range science. Recorded by NW VEG.

Portland VegFest: September 17, 2011
A Bite of Compassion and the Power of One
Presented by Sharon Methvin, Ph.D.

Armaiti May, DVM: May 19, 2011 - Vegan Diets for Dogs and Cats
Dr. Armaiti May is a vegan veterinarian who practices in southern California, presented at the Northwest VEG Vancouver potluck. Dr. May incorporates her philosophy of compassion for all animals into the care she administers toward the pets she sees as patients. Recorded by NW VEG.

Grant Butler, Oregonian writer: February 20, 2011 - One Year Vegan Anniversary
Grant spoke to over 100 attendees about the highs and lows of Portland vegan dining, why vegan coverage is important in the Oregonian, and his own experiences exploring the vegan eating and cooking worlds.
Click here to listen in.

Dr. Richard Heitsch, MD: January 16, 2011 - The Basics of Health and Diet
Dr. Heitsch is a vegan doctor, certified surgeon, has a masters degree in public health, and serves as medical director for the Integrated Medicine Group in Portland. Recorded by NW VEG.

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.: December 8, 2010
The Remarkable Health Benefits of Nutrition
Filmed by Steve Henwood, with assistance from Keith Iding and Vaughn Zeitzwolfe.
Presented in Portland, OR by Northwest VEG prior to the premiere of Forks Over Knives in Portland.
Dr. Campbell is Professor Emeritus of Nutrition at Cornell University and the author of The China Study.

NW VEG Vancouver Potluck: May 27, 2010
The New Golden Era: Is it so golden for animals?
Presented by Sharon Methvin, Ph.D.

NW VEG Portland Potluck: February 10, 2010
Veganic Gardening & Agriculture
Presented by Peter Spendelow, Jill Schatz and Stephanie Lucas

NW VEG Vancouver Potluck: January 28, 2010
Animal Consciousness (YouTube video)
Presented by Peter Spendelow

Portland VegFest: September 19, 2009
Making a Difference for Animals
Presented by Sharon Methvin, Ph.D.

Let Live Conference: June 27-28, 2009
Reaching Environmentalists on Food Issues
Presented by Peter Spendelow

See also presentations for the Master VEG Program