Saturday, Sept. 21
Kale Room
11:00am - John McDougall, MD - Marketing Milk and Disease: Fighting the Big Fat Lies with Fat-Free Truth12:30pm - Susan Levin, RD, MS, CSSD - Food Policy, Nutrition, and Health
2:00pm - Brenda Davis, RD - Becoming Vegan… In Great Health
3:30pm - Victoria Moran - Living Well and Loving Life in the Real World
5:00pm - Will Tuttle, PhD - The World Peace Diet: Being Healthy While Saving the Planet
Pear Room
11:00am - Miyoko Schinner - Quick, Cultured Cheeses: Cream Cheese and Boursin12:30pm - Chef Al Chase - In Celebration of Cacao: Sweet Alchemy Three Ways
2:00pm - Chef AJ - Get Ready to Spill the Beans with Chef AJ
3:30pm - Karyn Calabrese - Soak Your Nuts with Karyn: Healing SuperFoods!
5:00pm - Turlock - documentary on the largest California animal rescue, followed by discussion with Jamie London, animal care director of Animal Place sanctuary.
Golden Carrot Room
10:15am - Jiivapriya - Yoga Class11:00am John Pierre - Fun Fitness Boot Camp
12:30pm Lani Muelrath - The Power of the 5 Minute Fitness Break
2:00pm - Scott West - Operation Infinite Patience
3:30pm - Armaiti May, DVM - Vegan Diets for Dogs and Cats: Risks and Benefits
5:00pm - Brenda Davis, RD - The New "Paleo" Diet: Facing Facts
Ask the Experts
(Exhibit Hall)
11:00am - 12:30pm - Stephanie Lucas, RN - Health and Gardening12:30pm - 2:00pm - Alison Ozgur, RD - Nutrition
2:00pm - 3:30pm - Wendy Gabbe Day - Raising Vegan Families
3:30pm - 5:00pm - Gail Nelson, RD - Nutrition
5:00pm - 6:00pm - Lani Muelrath - Fitness
Family Activities
(Exhibit Hall)
10:00am - 6:00pm Join in the fun in the Kid's Area! There will be face painting, games, crafts, stories, a "Taste the Rainbow" booth, a "Play With Your Food" booth and an interactive worm bin exhibit.Also, stop by the Teen Area to take part in the Pirate photo booth with makeup artists and be entered into a raffle! Plus chat with teenage activists including, Elora Malama West.
Sunday, Sept. 22
Kale Room
11:00am - Brenda Davis, RD - Plant-Based Diets in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease12:30pm - Will Tuttle, PhD - Time to Wake Up!: Veganism and Social Change
2:00pm - Hans Diehl, DrHSc - Eat More, Weigh Less!
3:30pm - John McDougall, MD - The Starch Solution
5:00 - PlantBuilt Muscle Team - Panel Discussion with PlantBuilt
Pear Room
11:00am - Victoria Moran - The Eat Green, Live Lean, Feel Amazing Lifestyle12:30pm - Chef AJ and John Pierre - Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Without Using Sugar
2:00pm - Miyoko Schinner - Cheeses in the Fast Lane: Fondue and Almond Ricotta-Stuffed Shells
3:30pm - Karyn Calabrese - Soak Your Nuts with Karyn: Raw for the Whole Family!
5:00pm - Armaiti May, DVM - Vegan Diets for Dogs and Cats: Risks and Benefits
Golden Carrot Room
10:15am - Suman S. Barkhas - Tai Chi for Better Balance11:00am - Suman S. Barkhas - Yoga Class
12:30pm - Scott West - Operation Ferocious Isle
2:00pm - Lani Muelrath, MA - Show me the Plants! How to Carve Your Figure with Your Fork
3:30pm - Susan Levin, MS, RD, CSSD - True Science Behind Paleo, Blood Type, and Atkins
5:00pm - Turlock - documentary on the largest California animal rescue, followed by discussion with Jamie London, animal care director of Animal Place sanctuary.
Ask the Experts
(Exhibit Hall)
11:00am - 12:30pm - Armaiti May, DVM - Vegan veterinarian12:30pm - 2:00pm - Wendy Abraham, ND - Health
2:00pm - 3:30pm - Grant Butler - Transitioning and Cooking
Family Activities
(Exhibit Hall)
10:00am - 6:00pm Stop by the Teen Area to take part in the Pirate photo booth with makeup artists and be entered into a raffle! Plus chat with teenage activists including, Elora Malama West.Join in the fun in the Kid's Area! There will be face painting, games, crafts, stories, a "Taste the Rainbow" booth, a "Play With Your Food" booth and an interactive worm bin exhibit.
Family Activities with Rick Reynolds, MEd
3:00pm: Worm Bin Magic!3:30pm: Story time with the author: Marco and the Molecule
4:00pm: Pollination Mazes and Other EverGreen Twins Activities
4:30pm: Eco-doku™ and Other EverGreen Twins Activities
5:00pm: Story Time With the Author: Marco and the Molecule
+ Drawing for a free book and other prizes!