Supporting Portland's Vegan, Vegetarian, and Veg-curious Community

VegFest 2009
Speakers, Chefs, Classes, Musicians and Experts
Past VegFests
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Portland VegFest 2009

Saturday, September 19
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97232
10am - 8pm     $5 Admission

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VegFest celebrates and promotes sustainable, compassionate and healthy food choices and lifestyles. This low-cost, fun and food-filled event welcomes everyone! VegFest features:
  • Food Samples!
  • Speakers & Classes
  • Cooking Demonstrations
  • Live Music
  • Experts Table
  • Family Activities
  • Restaurants
  • Non-profit organizations

VegFest Event Sponsors:

Keynote speaker: Dr. John McDougall

Physician and nutrition expert who teaches better health through vegetarian cuisine. John A. McDougall, MD. has been studying, writing and "speaking out" about the effects of nutrition on disease for over 30 years.

Dr. McDougall is the founder and medical director of the nationally renowned McDougall Program, a ten-day, residential program located at a luxury resort in Santa Rosa, CA-- a place where medical miracles occur through proper diet and lifestyle changes. Dr. McDougall has cared for thousands of patients over almost 3 decades of medical practice and has run a highly successful live-in program for more than 20 years. Dr. McDougall has developed a nourishing, low-fat, starch-based diet that not only promotes a broad range of dramatic and lasting health benefits such as weight (fat) loss, but most importantly can also reverse serious illness, such as heart disease, without drugs.

Dr. McDougall is the author of several national bestsellers including: The McDougall Plan: 12 Days to Dynamic Health, McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion, The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss, and his latest ground breaking book, The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart.
Click here to see Dr. McDougall speak in the recently released documentary "Processed People."

Kathy Freston

Kathy Freston is a health and wellness expert and a New York Times best-selling author. Her books include Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness, The One: Discovering the Secrets of Soul Mate Love and Expect a Miracle: 7 Spiritual Steps to Finding the Right Relationship. Her newest book is The Quantum Wellness Cleanse: The 21 Day Essential Guide to Healing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Freston has appeared on Oprah, Ellen, The View, Good Morning America, and CBS's the Early Show. Her work has been featured in Vanity Fair, Harper’s Bazaar, Self, W, and Fitness. She is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, AlterNet, and writes a monthly food column for the LA Times Magazine.

Freston promotes a body/mind/spirit approach to health & happiness that includes a concentration on healthy diet, emotional introspection, spiritual practice, and loving relationships. Her work is focused on providing guidance for conscious & healthy living in our increasingly busy world. Freston continually cites the proven value of "leaning into" change and the benefits of "progress, not perfection." Click here to see Kathy on Ellen.

Rip Esselstyn

Professional athlete-turned-firefighter Rip Esselstyn is used to responding to emergencies. So, when he learned that some of his fellow Engine 2 firefighters in Austin, TX, were in dire physical condition-several had dangerously high cholesterol levels (the highest was 344!)-- he sprang into action and created a life-saving plan for the firehouse. By following Rip's program, everyone lost weight (some more than 20 lbs.), lowered their cholesterol (Mr. 344's dropped to 196), and improved their overall health. Now, Rip outlines his proven plan in his new book- The Engine 2 Diet.

With Rip as your expert coach and motivator, you'll transform your body and lifestyle in a month. His plant-powered eating plan is based on a diet of whole foods, including vegetables, whole grains, fruit, legumes, seeds and nuts. Click here to see Rip on the Today Show.

This event will need nearly 200 volunteers to make it an even greater success than last year's VegFest. Want to help out with VegFest 2009? Please email