2013 VegFest Exhibitors
Interested in becoming a 2014 Exhibitor? Contact vegfest@nwveg.org
Commercial Exhibitors and Product Samplers
Non-Profit Exhibitors
Product and Coupon Donors
CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE: EQUAL EXCHANGE, CAMANO ISLAND MILLS, RUNA, SILVER HILLS BAKERY, and Amazing Grass, Beanfields, Blue Lotus Chai, Bold Organics, Chez Marie, daiya, EcoLunchBoxes, Eco Teas: Organic & Fair Trade, Edward & Sons, Foods Alive, Gardenbar, Glad Rags, KeVita Probiotics, Mt. Tabor Veterinary Care, Navitas Naturals, Nutrafusion, Ole World Oils, Pacific Natural Foods, Stash Tea, Schmidts Deodorant, Sunbutter, Sunshine Burgers, Taza Chocolate, Teeccino, The Sprout Co., Turtle Island, VeganProteins.com, Tofutown/Viana/Soyatoo, Takalina Foods, YEA Camp, Yogi Tea, The Vegg