VegFest Film Screenings
Forks Over KnivesSaturday & Sunday, 5:00-6:45pmThe phenomenal documentary Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.A major storyline of the film explores the separate pioneering work of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. and T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. as through a combination of scientific experiments and clinical research the two of them document significant health improvements just by moving people away from the standard American diet that is high on animal products and processed foods. The film also follows some real life patients as they make these diet changes and see positive changes in their blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other levels of health. One of the "patients" is the film writer and director Lee Fulkerson, a big man whose dinners pre-filming used to consist of a fast-food double cheeseburger, onion rings, and a chocolate shake. "By seeing the amazing results a whole foods, plant-based diet had on the health and well-being of our test patients, my mind was irrevocably changed," said Fulkerson in a recent VegNews article. |
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VegFest Film Short Clips
How I Became an Elephant + Q&A with starSunday, Sept. 18, 12:30pmWe'll be showing short clips of the soon-to-be released film How I Became an Elephant. This film is the brainchild of then-fourteen year-old Juliette West. When Juliette began learning about the plight of elephants in circuses and zoos she decided it was time to do something about it. She knew she needed to discover a way to educate people on a large scale. She wanted to illustrate the connection between elephant abuse in America and elephant abuse in Asia. But how? Juliette knew the two issues are connected in a big way but how to deliver that to Americans was her challenge.When Juliette met animal advocates and filmmakers Tim Gorski and Michael Tobias the seed was planted. They devised a plan to create a film for the youth of America with Juliette as the voice for the elephants. Juliette West is a stunning and bright fifteen year-old from Los Angeles. At a young age Juliette developed an affinity for elephants and is presently on a quest to help them. Join us for this special condensed movie showing, followed by a Q & A with Juliette. |
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