2012 VegFest Exhibitors

Commercial Exhibitors and Product Samplers
Alive & Radiant Foods Our founder, Blessing, has been making raw snacks for over twelve years. We take organic kale, fruits, and nuts, and craft them into Kale Krunch through a combination of wizardry and low-temperature dehydration. Our KaleKrunch is vegan, gluten free and soy free. Each bag is packed by hand to ensure superior texture and crunch. Move over potato chips, healthy snacking is here! To see a complete line of our delicious snacks, visit shop.kaiafoods.com
Alison Ozgur, R.D., Health & Fitness Dietitian Would you like to look and feel younger? Would you like more energy and optimum health? Local nutrition and fitness experts Alison Ozgur, R.D and Derrick deLay, B.Sc., will be signing copies of their newly released book "Go Beyond Good: The Trail to a Lifetime of Health & Vitality". Learn valuable nutrition and fitness tips to help you go from good, to beyond good to magnificent! fitnessdietitian.com
Amy's Kitchen is a family run business deeply committed to producing great tasting organic, vegetarian meals. Amy's produces nearly 200 frozen and grocery items for busy people who want delicious, prepared meals made without preservatives, GMOs or anything artificial. Check out our website to learn more about us and the food we make: amyskitchen.com
Arbonne I am a local independent consultant providing Arbonne's botanically based products which are Vegan Certified, Gluten FREE, Paraben FREE, NO artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, cholesterol, trans fats, formaldehyde-donating preservatives, petroleum based ingred. (mineral oil, phthalates, toluene, etc.). Products include: skincare, cosmetics, baby line, body care, detox, aromassentials, and health & wellness. Come sample and learn about our discounts. thebetteru.myarbonne.com
Beanfields is a family-owned, values-based company and we're all about beans! We believe beans are good for our families, good for our farmers and good for our planet. Our award-winning CORN-FREE, BEAN & RICE TORTILLA CHIPS are farmed and made in the USA, are Non-GMO verified, full of fiber and are a complete protein. We also make sure they are dairy-free, gluten-free and quite possibly the world's tastiest chips! beanfieldssnacks.com
Bell Plantation Peanut butter has always been a staple for the health conscious and physically active. But even peanut butter can be improved. PB2 reduces fat through a chemical-free process. Like all Bell Plantation products, PB2 and Chocolate PB2 are all natural, preservative free, and contain no artificial sweeteners. And that makes them a sweet alternative for active lifestyles, dieters, and moms who want healthy snacks for their kids. bellplantation.com
Introducing Betsy's Best Bar None; we are a locally made, artisan, organic, vegan, gluten and soy free nutrition bar. Our petite rounds (2 per package) total 8 grams of complete protein. Our bars are a whole food made without protein isolates, powders or concentrates. Betsy’s Best are perfect as a meal replacement, for short or long travel, a droplet into kids lunch pails, or fortification for both leisurely and strenuous athletic endeavors. They are ideal for mid morning and afternoon office snacks or sustained sustenance throughout the workday. betsysbestbarnone.com
Better Bean Company offers the only fresh, refrigerated alternative to canned beans. Our Refried Red Beans, Refried Black Beans, Cuban Black Beans and new Three Sisters Chili are sold in tubs, like fresh salsa. Our beans are vegan, gluten and soy free, all natural and produced in Wilsonville with NW ingredients. betterbeanco.com
Blossoming Lotus is a restaurant located at 1713 NE 15th Ave in Portland's Irvington District, serving all organic, freshly made, Vegan Fusion cuisine. All Blossoming Lotus live food, specials, desserts, juices, and other menu items are made at their state of the art kitchen at their Irvington location. www.blpdx.com
Blue Lotus Chai Company, located in Eugene, Oregon, is a young and innovative producer of instant masala chai. Our Traditional Masala Chai and two upcoming varieties are pure, unsweetened, gluten-free and vegan. We were featured as a favorite staff pick of all types of chai in the Vegetarian Times 2011 Holiday issue. We are presently sold in over twenty states. To learn more about our unique products and vision, visit bluelotuschai.com
Bob's Red Mill Natural Foods produces more than 400 products, including a full line of certified gluten free products and an extensive line of certified organic products. With a wide variety of whole-grain products - from flours and hot cereals to baking mixes and grains - Bob's Red Mill has "whole-grain foods for every meal of the day." Bob's Red Mill - an employee-owned company - is the nation's leader in stone milling and is dedicated to producing natural foods in the natural way. They stone grind all common and many uncommon grains into flours and meals on over one-hundred-year-old mills. To view the complete line of products, please visit bobsredmill.com
Bold Organics is dedicated to delivering high-quality, flavorful products to consumers who are in search of gluten free and allergen-free foods that are both accommodating to their dietary needs, yet taste great. BOLD Organics products are available in supermarkets across the country, and you can visit bold-organics.com and click on the Where To Buy page to find the location nearest you.
Body + Brain (Dahn) Yoga improves the mind-body system with distinctively effective methods based on Asian health principles. Focus is on the conscious use of the brain functions for health and well being & offering tools for creating a healthier and more balaced lifestyle.
3 Locations
Portland Studio DahnYoga.com/Portland
West Linn Studio: dahnyoga.com/West-Linn
Beaverton Studio: powerbraintraining.com/Beaverton__OR_PBTC.html
Book Publishing Company is a community owned, independent publisher dedicated to promoting books that educate and inspire. We have been in business since 1974. Our title list includes books on vegetarian and vegan cooking and nutrition, raw foods, natural health care, and Native American culture. We are a member of The Green Press Initiative and have committed to print a growing number of our titles on chlorine free, recycled paper. bookpubco.com
CB's Nuts is a family owned and operated business sources raw conventional and organic peanuts, pistachios and other nuts grown by hardworking farmers across the United States. We brine them in a specially developed process and then roast them in small batches in our custom made barrel roaster to bring out the flavor potential of each and every nut. cbsnuts.com
Chef Al and Donna B! This dynamic duo has been teaching it up vegan and helping food professionals and the public shift to an all organic, plant-based lifestyle for over a decade together. Vegan Project Management, workshops, consultations, pantry products and more are available to those wanting to embrace this lifestyle with flavor and flair. Stop by to hear more about their 2012/2013 teaching schedule and the latest about the Vegan Village at the March 22-24 Better Living Show in Portland. chefal@chefal.org
Chez Gourmet from Marie is an emerging, local company that is taking the veggie burger business by surprise! You will be delighted when you sample our two vegan patties - all natural - no soy - no preservatives - The Oregon Harvest and The Spicy Anasazi Bean. We can't wait to hear from you! Please visit us at chezgourmet.biz
Cinnamon was founded in 2012 by Geanna Marek, a multi-year vegan who had suffered for years from allergies and intolerances. After realizing there wasn't anything on the market she could safely and comfortably eat, she sought to create delicious foods for everyone - no matter what their dietary restrictions or preferences. Each item is made without the top 8 allergens, and still tastes delicious! cinnamonpdx.com
Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss is a rapturously creamy and healthy alternative to dairy and soy-based frozen desserts. Crafted in Oregon from a base of naturally rich and cholesterol-free coconut milk, Coconut Bliss is completely vegan, certified organic, uses fair trade ingredients and is free of dairy, soy, and gluten. We have 14 flavors, including 4 new flavors for 2011 that include Coconut Sugar and Super Foods. Please visit us at coconutbliss.com
Colon Care, LLC is Portland's Premier Cleansing Center located in the SW Waterfront District. We specialize in Advanced Colon Hydrotherapy, Cleanses & Improving Digestive Health. Our beautiful and immaculate spa uses the most sophisticated cleansing systems in the world. You are given the HIGHEST level of care and expertise. Although you do NOT need a prescription for our services, we are 80% physician referred and some insurance companies reimburse. "Bottom line," our center is super clean, our therapists are experienced and certified, and your cleanse is gentler and more effective. Open Sunday through Friday. coloncarepdx.com
Eat Healthy Anywhere (and change the world). CORE Defender Meals are portable hearty packs of oatmeal balanced with nuts, seeds and fruit for hours of stable energy. CORE Meals are100% organic, raw & gluten-free with no sweeteners, or preservatives - no candy here! CORE Foods is Certified-B, committed to zero-percent financial gain, living wages, capped executive salaries and offsetting carbon usage. corefoods.com
Enriching Sellwood’s status as a healthy-living hub is the Gluten Free & Vegan Bakery, Cravin Raven. The place that proves you don’t have to use white flour, white sugar, eggs or butter to make delectable treats. Armed with a healthy and delicious assortment of muffins, cookies, doughnuts, and other assorted treats, mainly organic and sweetened with agave nectar; the girls at Cravin’ Raven are out to prove that healthy living doesn’t mean flavorless eating - and they’re succeeding. cravinraven.com
Dave's Killer Bread, located in Milwaukie, Oregon, is dedicated to baking the highest quality, best tasting organic bread possible. Each loaf is packed with whole grains, seeds, and/or nuts amounting to a bread that is both healthy and delicious. We currently offer 15 varieties that are sold in stores all over Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, Utah, and Alaska. Our breads contain no animal products, artificial preservatives or sweeteners, or genetically modified organisms. In the words of Dave Dahl, a tireless worker dedicated to staying on the right path after so many years in prison: It is our vision to make the world a better place, one loaf of bread at a time. daveskillerbread.com
David's Vegan Kitchen features a variety of plant-based, whole-foods cooking classes taught by David Gabbe in the Portland area. Classes are presented in a lecture/demonstration style and include recipe handouts as well as samples of all dishes prepared in class. Check out David’s classes and latest cookbook---David’s Vegan Home Cooking---at DavidsVeganKitchen.com
Divine Pies are a perfect product of artisan sweetness, combining flavors that are unique & delicious, ingredients that are local and organic, and delicate preparation with loving hands. All pies are gluten and dairy free, supremely creamy, and rich with bold flavors. Divine pies can be enjoyed by people with a variety of food allergies, sensitivities, and preferences, and are currently available in the frozen dessert section of your favorite markets in Portland. divinepieportland.com
Earth Balance produces a line of delicious buttery spreads, shortenings, nut butters, soymilks, soy nog, coconut spread and alternative mayo dressings. All EarthBalance® products are vegan, made without artificial ingredients or hydrogenated oils, and are free of gluten, lactose and eggs, offering delicious options for individuals with food sensitivities or for those seeking plant-based alternatives. earthbalancenatural.com
Earthly Gourmet is a Portland-based, wholesale distributor of raw, vegan and gluten-free gourmet foods, and sustainably-harvested local produce in Oregon and Washington State. Earthly Gourmet’s goal is to introduce as much of the endless variety of naturally flavorful health foods to as many people as possible while remaining compassionate to all living beings and the environment in the process. earthlygourmet.com
Food Fight! Grocery is Portland's ONLY all vegan grocery store. Stocked with junk food, produce, bulk, books, and other random things to take care of yourself and get you thinking. Located at 1217 SE Stark St and open every day from 10am - 8pm. Come hang out. foodfightgrocery.com
For over 50 years, Food For Life has been serving the health conscious consumer with natural products made from only the finest natural ingredients. Our products include, certified organic Ezekiel 4:9® breads, tortillas, cereal and pastas made from sprouted grains. We also offer a complete line of Wheat and Gluten-free baked. Please visit our website at foodforlife.com
Freshly Wild™, Inc. hand crafts Kale Joy–a family of crispy, crunchy kale snacks with the best taste in the market. We are out to enhance the health of our customers by using dehydration to preserve essential enzymes and vitamins and adding ingredients such as Chia, walnuts, and cashews that are high antioxidant and omega 3 whole foods. Try Kale Joy in Original Recipe, Must eat Mesquite, and Jazzy Sweet Mustard. Visit us at freshlywild.com.
GladRags: Since 1992 GladRags has empowered women to choose safe healthy menstrual products. Made to last for years, reusable menstrual pads and cups keep billions of pads and tampons out of the landfill. Available at natural foods stores and pharmacies across the nation and at www.GladRags.com
Green Lady Foods greenladyfoods.com
Green Mountain Energy offers customers more than just one more choice in electricity providers. We offer our customers the opportunity to make a difference for the environment by supporting cleaner, renewable sources of energy instead of limited and polluting fossil fuels. Sure, our customers still get reliable electricity service at competitive rates. But they also get the chance to support a company that has been 100% committed to changing the way power is made, since 1997. greenmountain.com
Green Wok: A family operated all vegan Chinese and sushi restaurant. We serve classic Chinese restaurant dishes without the meat products. Veggie chicken, beef, pork, fish and shrimp made of soy proteins, gluten, and vegetables. Lunch buffet Monday-Friday from 11:00am-2:30pm. Also during lunch hours, seven days a week, menu entrees are $2.00 off. Located at 11137 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland 97219. www.greenwok.org
Happy Campers say: You’re on a quest to be a happy camper – a person with vital life energy. You strive to be healthy and active. You take good care of yourself. You help other people and care for the planet. Weʼre on a quest to provide you with the very best bread products for your journey. We're adventurous, daring and curious, raising the bar and redefining what it means to eat bread. Our bread products are unconditionally delicious. The're made with pure, wholesome ingredients free of gluten, eggs and a variety of common allergens, so everyone can enjoy them. HappyCampersGlutenFree.com
Heidi Ho Veganics is a plant-based vegan food company headquartered in Portland, Oregon. We have created a range of plant-based vegan cheeze products that are made from all natural, organic ingredients without any additives, fillers or preservatives. Our initial line of cheeze includes four cheezes, including a soy-based feta and hazelnut-based Chipotle Cheddar, Smoked Gouda, and Monterey Jack. Heidi Ho Veganics is preparing to launch a Chia Cheeze Sauce at PDX Veg Fest 2012 which is made from Chia Seeds and Cashews. To find out more visit us at heidihoorganics.com or on Twitter and Facebook.
Helen's Kitchen is dedicated to helping people to lead a healthy vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Helen Moore our founder created our signature tofu GardenSteaks and used her recipes to feed her family and now to help feed yours. Today we have a variety of meat alternatives, entrees and burritos. thehelenskitchen.com
Herbivore Clothing has been putting the FU in tofu since 2002. We make shirts, hoodies, and more for people who like to wear their beliefs with style. Everything we sell is cruelty-free for the discriminating plant eater. The Herbivore Store stocks bags, wallets, belts, books and lots more vegan style in the Vegan Mini Mall in SE Portland. herbivoreclothing.com
Here at Homegrown Smoker, we sling Southern-style BBQ without the animal profiteering. No meat, no dairy, just pure smokey goodness in the form of cruelty free comfort food. Our goal is to promote veganism and community through delicious meals that appeal to vegans and omnivores alike. With gluten-free options available, there's no need to leave any friend or family member behind!
Downtown Location (SW 4th Ave. & College St.) Open Monday through Friday, 11 am - 4 pm. (Hours change seasonally.)
Northside Location: Mississippi Marketplace (N. Mississippi & Skidmore) Closed Mondays, Open Tuesday - Thursday 12:00pm - 7:00pm, Friday & Saturday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Sunday 12:00pm - 4:00 pm.
Hours subject to change.homegrownsmoker.wordpress.com/
We are KALLARI, a cooperative of 850 indigenous Kichwa families in the Upper Napo Region of the Ecuadorian Amazon. We plant, care for, and harvest our award-winning heirloom cacao beans to create this single-source organic chocolate. We share 100% of chocolate profits amongst our 21 rainforest communities to maintain our way of life in one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. kallarichocolate.com
KBOO shall be a model of programming, filling needs that other media do not, providing programming to unserved or underserved groups. KBOO shall provide access and training to those communities. KBOO news and public affairs programming shall place an emphasis on providing a forum for unpopular, controversial, or neglected perspectives on important local, national, and international issues, reflecting KBOO's values of peace, justice, democracy, human rights, multiculturalism, environmentalism, freedom of expression, and social change. kboo.fm
Lively Days was created by Wendy Gabbe Day and Eric Day. We wanted to share our everyday adventures of trying to live healthy, compassionate, and sustainable lives in the hopes it may inspire others to also consider their daily choices. livelydays.com
Lotus Foods was founded with the intent and vision to support sustainable global agriculture by promoting production of traditional heirloom rice varieties, many of which may otherwise have become extinct, while enabling the small family rice farmer to earn an honorable living. Our organic and more sustainably grown rices are distinguished by their exceptional cooking quality, taste, texture, color and nutritional value. Explore our award-winning varietals and enjoy rich indigenous grains with versatile applications for a vegan diet. lotusfoods.com
We at Love at First Sit provide portable ergonomic back support systems designed to use your body to support itself. Our products are all manufactured to the highest standards both materially and ethically under fair trade conditions and a portion of our profits are donated to social, cultural, environmental, and humanitarian causes. For more info see us at loveatfirstsit.com
Established in 1980, Lucky Foods, LLC started producing "cha gio," or "rolled filling." Cha gio is traditionally filled with seasoned meats or tofu and a variety of vegetables. Our rolls contain seasoned fresh cabbage, carrots, onions, green peas, tofu, and bean thread. Each is still delicately hand rolled and packaged. In 1990, Lucky Foods began specializing in vegetarian products. We focus on creating nutritious, all-natural foods. All our products contain no MSG, preservatives, additives, or artificial flavors, and are trans-fat free. luckyfood.com
MaggieBell Naturals Our SnackLOCO and PopLOCO gourmet snack mixes are prepared fresh every week in the artisan tradition, combining only the finest all natural and organic ingredients with small batch baking techniques. Every tasty bite is packed with lightly sweetened whole grains, thick sliced almonds and hearty seeds that fill you up fast and keep you running on all cylinders. Zero added wheat, soy, dairy, gluten, trans fats, refined sugars or GMOs. Snag a bag of our CRAZY GOOD SNACKS today! maggiebellnaturals.com
Mary's Gone Crackers manufactures delicious, gluten-free, vegan, organic Crackers, Sticks & Twigs and love Cookies. Traditional flavors, revolutionary ingredients. Please visit marysgonecrackers.com
Mr. Mobley's Food Specialities Mr. Mobley’s Original and Wheat Free Tahini Sauces are delectable and versatile dressings, finishing sauces and marinades. Sublime flavors of tahini, soy sauce/tamari, lemon juice, maple syrup and garlic – with cayenne in the versions ‘with Heat’. The ingredient blend complements a wide variety of delicious foods including rice, stir fries, sandwiches, salads, tofu, pasta, potatoes, quinoa and vegetables. Nourishing sauces that satisfy the tastes of children and adults alike! mrmobleys.wordpress.com
Mom's Vegan Kitchen momsvegankitchen.com
Since 1970, Multi-Pure Corporation has been the premier manufacturer of high quality drinking water treatment devices. The Multi-Pure technology offers superior effectiveness in reducing contaminants of health concern and many of its product shave been tested and certified by NSF International for the reduction of one of the widest range of contaminants under NSF/ANSI Standard No. 53, Health Effects. In addition, Multi-Puree’s filters are certified under NSF/ANSI Standard No. 42, Aesthetic Effects. I Multi-Pure has the longest product warranty in the industry including a lifetime housing warranty and a 90 day unconditional money back guarantee.
Nicobella organic dark chocolates are the result of our pursuit to create decadent tasting chocolates made with healthy wholesome foods. Our vegan truffles are made with a creamy ganache center that is infused with high antioxidant ingredients such as green tea, blueberries and pumpkin. Our Munch is made with nutrient-rich nuts, such as almonds, walnuts and pecans, then covered with rich dark chocolate making them a perfectly crunchy snack. We use Fair Trade and organic dark chocolate, FSC certified packaging and donate 5% of our sales to Noah's Ark and The Gentle Barn. nicobellaorganics.com
Niftyfare is an Portland artisan food manufacturer simplifying special diets. Our savory frozen Handcakes are gluten/soy/dairy/garlic-free. Try our Utta (Indian) and 3Sisters (Native American), inspired by ethnic flavors. As the Nif in Charge, I believe in a triple bottom line: profit, eco-sustainability and community support. Thoughtfully made, joyfully eaten!! facebook.com/Niftyfare
Nossa Familia coffee's owner, Augusto Carneiro's family has grown coffee for more than 120 years on fazendas (farms) located on the side of a caldera, at high elevation in the Mogiana region of Brazil. Today, we import his family's award winning coffee and craft roast it on the industry's most sustainable roaster, right here in Portland. For five generations, his family has embraced and employed sustainable practices. You’ll taste this dedication and tradition in every delicious cup. familyroast.com
Nutiva® is dedicated to a healthy and sustainable world, demonstrating its mission to nourish people and planet by using delicious organic ingredients, enriching the soil, and donating 1 percent of sales to sustainable-agriculture groups. Founded in 1999, Nutiva is the world’s best-selling brand of nutritious organic hemp foods, extra-virgin coconut oil, and chia seeds. Its products are offered by 15,000 retailers in the United States, Canada, and the EU. nutiva.com
Nut-Tritious Foods is a local company that produces the most nutrient dense nut & seed butters available today. All nut butters are blended with sunflower seeds and organic flax seed meal (top 2 seeds for nutrient density), then cold processed by hand to preserve the healthy fats. nut-tritiousfoods.com
Organics To You delivers fresh, local, farm direct produce, along with other grocery items, directly to your home or office on a flexible weekly, or every other week schedule. We cover the whole Portland area from Gresham to Hillsboro, Vancouver to West Linn. We also can offer outlying area service under certain circumstances, with a one-point drop off. Call for details: 503-236-6496. organicstoyou.org
Since 1987, Pacific Natural Foods has been inspiring people to know more about their food, where it comes from and how it’s grown by delivering delicious, all natural and organic non-dairy beverages, soups and broths, made with respect for land, animals and people. We believe in capturing the full flavor of natural ingredients when flavors are at their peak because there’s simply no substitute for the real thing. pacificfoods.com
Pacific Northwest Kale Chips is a small-batch chip maker based out of Portland, OR. Founded on principles of delivering locally-sourced, organic, and sustainable food combined with an artisan approach to flavor and texture, they are creating a revolution in nutrition that offers the Pacific Northwest and world their healthiest snack. Utilizing a small-batch, low temperature drying process, they eliminate traditional methods of oil and frying, ensuring the preservation of essential enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Energize your health! pacifickale.com
PlantFit Training Studio is home to a community of motivated individuals that are driven towards the pursuit of health and fitness, while embracing a plant based approach to nutrition. Fitness demands of every individual vary by degree, not by type. Our training is unconditionally scalable and can be utilized by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or experience. We invite you to join us, share in our community, and be part of this change. plantfitpdx.com
PlantFusion We found a way to make a milkshake from Plants. Crafted from 100% plant source, we use raw, organic ingredients that give you a whopping 21g of protein at only 120 calories. This convenient shake is high in BCAA & glutamine to curb your hunger and replenish your muscles after a workout. Its also free from all common allergens like dairy, gluten, & soy. And because it’s raw, PlantFusion is very easy for your body to digest and does not leave you feeling bloated like most protein powders. plantfusion.net
Portland Wholesale Grocery Co. A Full Line Foodservice Distributor, Family Owned & Operated for Over 35 Years Committed to an easy, stress-free order & delivery process that allows you to spend your valuable time on important matters: your business and your customers. portlandwholesalegrocery.com
The Professional Platinum Cooking System is titanium/surgical steel cookware that enables you to fry without using oil and cook vegetables without using water, all below 200F. Cooking this way retains up to 90% more nutrition, uses 75% less fat while using 50% less energy. It's simply the healthiest environmentally friendly way to cook! antixinternational.com
Portland Masala Portland Masala Foods provide fresh Indian vegetarian dishes made with 100% natural ingredients and freshly ground spices. Our products - Garbanzo Bean Curry, Peas & Carrots Masala, and Red Lentil Curry are sold refrigerated. Homemade taste and available fresh makes Portland Masala dishes stand above the rest. Just heat and enjoy these products as an appetizer, side dish, main entrée with rice, Naan, salad, or as snack. Available at New Season Markets and Food Front. portlandmasalafoods.com
Pulmuone Wildwood is a company with love for humans and nature. Our vision is a lifestyle sought by consumers concerned about their health and sustainability of the global environment. A strict set of LOHAS values are applied to the process from selection of ingredients to production and distribution of Wildwood products. pulmuonewildwood.com
Real Foods Corn Thins & Rice Thins Real Foods Corn Thins & Rice Thins are the great tasting alternative to bread or crackers. Corn Thins are like popcorn in a biscuit, but without all the fat, so are great to eat on their own as a snack, or with your favorite topping. Rice Thins are not like your typical popped rice cake, as they are thin, plus have a subtle nutty/toasted flavor, so are much more enjoyable to eat. cornthins.com
ReDirect Guide is a Portland/Vancouver Region's Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle Guide and Business Resource. ReDirect your everyday purchases to the businesses found in this FREE in print and online resource, and you'll know that you're helping to build sustainable and healthy communities, locally and worldwide. With ReDirect's iSaveGreen.com online coupon program, you can save with over 300 participating ReDirect's members. For more information, go to redirectguide.com/pdx
Sengatera Ethiopian Restaurant: When you're in the mood for good times and great cuisine, be sure to check out Sengatera Ethiopian Restaurant. The restaurant is located in one of the area's most pleasant settings and is known for its delightful staff and superb cuisine. The menu at Sengatera Ethiopian Restaurant features a wide array of great selections, made from only the freshest and highest quality ingredients, with something sure to please every member of your group. Sengatera Ethiopian Restaurant has established itself as one of the area's favorite culinary destinations and is sure to offer you a pleasant and unique dining experience every time you visit. Please stop in soon! sengaterarestaurant.com
Sazzy's Snacks My daughter Sazzy has life threatening food allergies. Because I couldn't find a great tasting, healthy, convenient, allergy safe energy bar that was free of the top 8 food allergens I decided to create one! They are free of wheat, dairy, egg, peanut, dairy, soy, sesame and tree nuts. They contain gluten free oats, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and dried fruit. Bars are organic, vegan and free of products containing gluten. sazzysallergyfreebars.com
Sherwood Valley Juice Co. blends fruit and vegetable powders into delicious, nutrient rich single serving meals. These juice smoothie blends are dehydrated at low temperatures and come ready to mix with 16 ounces of water. That means your juice smoothie is alive with raw, plant based, whole food nutrition. Gluten, soy and dairy FREE you can take these vegetarian smoothies with you anywhere. sherwoodvalleyjuice.com
SortaSausage, based in Silverton, Oregon, manufactures the HempBurger, VeggiMeals crumble, and Breakfast SortaSausage. These products are Vegan, Non-GMO and Gluten-Free and packed with nutritional value. They are a great source of protein, Omega 3’s and whole grain goodness and available at natural food stores from Seattle to Eugene. The great taste will surprise and delight you. At VegFest 2011, long time Vegans said “that HempBurger is the best veggie burger I’ve ever tasted!” Come to VegFest 2012 and see for yourself! sortasausage.com
Sweet Lemon Vegan Bistro serves fresh made daily from scratch, light and tasty vegan dishes. Menu choices include raw food, wraps, noodles and rice with organic fresh veggies, soy products and gluten free options as well as salads, pho and noodle soups. Our vegan and raw cakes are divine. Located in the Bethany neighbor with new expansion and nourishing environment. Open Mon-Fri 11am-8pm, Sat 12-8pm, closed Sun. sweetlemonveggiebistro.com
(Sunday only)Tandem Treats! All Vegan, mostly Organic and Local Tandem Bike Towed Food Cart In Portland, Oregon. tandemtreats.wordpress.com
Taza Chocolate At the Taza Chocolate Factory in Somerville, Mass, we craft stone ground chocolate from bean to bar. Taza began when founder Alex Whitmore took his first bite of stone ground chocolate in Oaxaca, Mexico. Fueled by a passion for Mexican chocolate traditions, he learned to hand-carve the granite millstones that we use today to grind cacao into organic dark chocolate. Through our Direct Trade Certified Cacao program, Taza cultivates face-to-face relationships with farmers so we can source the highest quality cacao possible, while paying our farmers a premium above the Fair Trade cacao price. tazachocolate.com
The Feel Good World is a fresh food haven, a hidden gem for healing & cleansing and a premier destination for yoga & movement. An entire 'world' dedicated to help maintain a healthy lifestyle or support a cleanse from fresh foods, spa services and movement classes. We offer an array of programs: 3 day juice cleanses, 14 day group cleanses, fresh “foodie” packages known as GO bag & fresh-pressed 6 packs of juice. Unique Spa services are available including colon hydrotherapy & infrared sauna plus, a variety of movement & mediation classes, events & more. thefeelgoodworld.com
Theo Chocolate Proud to be the only Organic, Fair Trade, Fair for Life certified Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Factory in North America. Since 2006, we’ve been making the highest quality chocolate from the world’s best cocoa beans, grown in the most sustainable ways possible. It’s our way of putting our passion into practice. theochocolate.com
The Pure Pantry offers seven versatile, certified organic, baking mixes made with delicious, wholesome ingredients free of gluten, casein, dairy, nuts, soy, eggs, refined sugars or preservatives. Organic, nutritious, whole grain flours high in fiber and omega 3s together with unique recipes that provide limitless possibilities for creating pancakes, waffles, cookies, crepes, muffins, breads, scones, cakes and more. thepurepantry.com
The (vegan) caterer offers full service vegan catering for weddings, commitment ceremonies, anniversaries, graduation parties, retreats, corporate events, and menu customization to suit your needs. Please let us know how we can serve you. Thank you for celebrating compassionately. thevegancaterer.com
Toby's Family Foods is all about the warm feeling you get from eating smart. It started 30 years ago when Toby came up with the tofu dips and spreads that you know and enjoy today. Toby's also makes award-winning salad dressings and Genesis Juices. Toby's & Genesis Juices are handcrafted in small batches in Springfield, Oregon. tobysfamilyfoods.com
Tofutown products are vegan and are certifed organic, non-GMO, hexane-free ingredients and local mineral water. We will be sampling Viana and Soyatoo! products. Viana meat alternatives include: Chickin Fillets, Chickin Nuggets, Cowgirl Veggie Steaks, Veggie Mediterranean Sausages, Veggie Veggie Turkish Roast, and Veggie Gyros. Soyatoo! products include: Soy Whip and Rice Whip. tofutown.com
Turtle Island Foods, since our founding in 1980, has provided delicious, nutritious vegan options for discerning eaters. Our products are made with organic soy and other high quality ingredients to let the natural flavors shine. In addition to our best-selling line of Tofurky brand gourmet meatless sausages and deli slices, we now offer the first frozen vegan pizza line that features meat analogs as part of the toppings. tofurky.com
Two Moms in The Raw was founded in 2006 by Shari and Marsha (daughter and mom team). Two years earlier, Shari was diagnosed with MS. After exploring her options Shari found that a natural approach to healing, including a raw food diet, worked best for her. On her personal journey to wellness she could not find any tasty, satisfying raw treats….so she tried making her own. After many experiments and with support from her mom, Shari created our Granola and Sea Crackers and started Two Moms In The Raw. Today our family business manufactures only Organic, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Kosher, and Vegan snacks and our product line now includes Granolas, Crackers, Nut Bars, Truffles, and Grain Free Cereal. twomomsintheraw.com
Ultima Replenisher is a natural Sports Drink with zero sugar. It contains a balance of all eight essential electrolytes, tastes great and uses no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners and is 100% non-GMO and vegan. Ultima is great for kids (even babies), people with GI conditions or diabetes, seniors, athletes, dieters... Everyone! ultimareplenisher.com
Upton's Naturals is a Chicago-based natural foods producer specializing in vegan meat alternatives since 2006. Upton's Naturals seitan is not only delicious and completely unique, but it is also a healthy and cruelty-free alternative to meat that's 100% vegetarian and vegan. The special method by which Upton's Naturals seitan is created yields flavor and texture that is unsurpassed and one look at our ingredients list proves our dedication to simplicity. uptonsnaturals.com
V-dog Food is a vegan dog food, with all of the essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals that dogs need to thrive. It has 20% guaranteed protein. It is the original vegetarian dog food from England, and now manufactured in the USA, with only USA ingredients. We manufacture in small batches, ensuring a fresh product. We sell at Food Fight on Stark St. in Portland. v-dogfood.com
Vegan Body Building: Robert Cheeke grew up on a farm in Corvallis, OR where he adopted a vegan lifestyle in 1995 at age 15. Today he is an Amazon.com best-selling author of the book Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness - The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet. As a two-time natural bodybuilding champion Robert has been considered one of VegNews Magazine's Most Influential Vegan Athletes. He tours all over North America regularly giving talks about his story transforming from a skinny farm kid to champion vegan bodybuilder. veganbodybuilding.com
Vitamix: Vegetarians, raw foodists and people who just want to eat healthier have a secret weapon that makes their lifestyle easy and enjoyable. The ones who have a Vitamix machine in their kitchen! It can be difficult to find new ways to prepare fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in delicious meals without spending a lot of time. With a Vitamix machine, you have a whole new menu of choices - the smoothest smoothies in just 1 minute, delicious steaming hot soups in just 7 minutes and tasty frozen treats in 2 minutes all without a single attachment. vitamix.com
Vegan Cuts is an online marketplace where you can discover the best in vegan food, fashion, body care and more. Sign up for their weekly newsletter and be the first to know when they launch new flash sales, with discounts up to 60% off retail. vegancuts.com
VeganProteins.com is an online vegan supplement store. They carry protein and meal replacement formulas, sports and wellness items, online personal training, clothing, books, and more. They also have excellent hands on customer service. Whether you are Vegan, Veg curious or just looking to add some convenient plant based nutrition to your day, VeganProteins.com is the way to go. Show specials of 20-40% off will be offered so make sure you visit their booth! veganproteins.com
Vege Thai is once again proud to be a part of VegFest. After seven years on Hawthorne Boulevard in Portland, VegeThai has become a mainstay and popular part of the local vegetarian community. VegeThai owner Pete Prasarttongosoth has endeavored for years to create an all vegetarian menu that maintains the integrity of the traditional dishes of the Thai culture. Stop by their booth and try a plate of their popular Pad Thai noodle dish, or Vegetarian Salad Rolls with their own special recipe peanut sauce. If you need a great thirst quencher try a glass of traditional Vegetarian Thai Ice Tea. This year will offer Black rice pudding for dessert. www.vegethai.com
At Veggie Grill we serve a variety of home-style plates, hot sandwiches, salads, daily soups, wraps, burgers and made-on-premise desserts. We make the impossible possible by serving100% plant-based food that is wholesome, convenient, affordable, and crave-able! Whether you want to relax at your place, grab-and-go or cater a gathering, Veggie Grill keeps pace with your life.www.veggiegrill.com
Vibrant Health vibranthealth.us
WayFare strives to make the most simple, delicious, amazing products from whole-food plant based ingredients with all their nutrients and fiber attached. WayFare “We can’t say it’s” – Sour Cream, and Cheese, as well as WayFare Pudding – are tasty products providing protein, calcium, and micro-nutrients with lower fat (no animal fat) than traditional cheese and sour cream. All our foods are vegan, kosher, and 100% dairy-free. We never use cholesterol, trans fats, or genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) –WE PROMISE!! wayfarefoods.com
Wear Your Veggies is a line of eco-friendly Adult T's and Babywear featuring original, hand-printed drawings of vegetables. Inspired by antique botanical prints, manufactured with social and environmental responsibility, and produced right here in Portland, WYV is a unique brand that celebrates the humble and beautiful vegetable. www.wearyourveggies.com
Whole Life Superfoods wholelifesuperfoods.com
Wilderness Poets makes hand-crafted Hempspread, Raw Nut Butters, and Wild Mixes. We strive to inspire mindfulness and good health through, energizing, life giving foods. We believe that sharing delicious, wholesome foods, grown on small organic family farms, can help heal people, our communities, and planet. wildernesspoets.com
At Wonderfully Raw we have created a wonderful raw organic macaroon that is guilt free and tastes like it shouldn't be. CocoRoons are great for diabetics, autism, celiac disease. Wonderfully Raw Gourmet is a family business. CEO Sequoia Cheney's passion is to create good healthy food that supports and promotes well being and longevity. Starting out with a passion for pure ingredients and a healthy way of living, we sourced our ingredients from around the world supporting wild, organic and sustainable movement. mycocoroons.com
Non-Profit Exhibitors
Action for Animals is an animal rights organization that promotes veganism and strives to end animal exploitation through educational outreach, with a focus on youth outreach. AFA distributes information both locally in the Northwest and at events throughout the country, on music tours, through mailing out vegan starter packs, online via social networks, and by networking with activists internationally. afa-online.org
Adventist Medical Center health facilities have promoted the incredible power of natural health principles in preventing and even treating disease since the mid-1860's. Today, Adventist Medical Center merges that belief with a state-of-the-art, 302-bed acute care facility offering a full range of inpatient, outpatient and emergency services. adventisthealthnw.com
Welcome to Animal Aid Unlimited, where animals are protected and revered. Animal Aid Unlimited is a US-based 501(c)3 charitable organization that runs a busy animal hospital and shelter in Udaipur, Rajasthan India, where ownerless street animals are rescued, healed, loved, and returned to the neighborhoods from where they came. animalaidunlimited.com
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest provides lifetime quality care for formerly abused and exploited chimpanzees while advocating for great apes. The sanctuary is located in Cle Elum, WA, 85 miles east of Seattle. In 2008, seven chimpanzees arrived from a laboratory in Pennsylvania. The Cle Elum Seven have transformed in four years and continue to thrive on the new experiences provided in their sanctuary home. Their daily lives are chronicled in photos and video on the sanctuary’s blog: ChimpsNW.org/blog
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) is a national nonprofit organization working to end the use of animals for food through public education and grassroots activism. We believe in the inherent self-worth of animals, as well as environmental protection and enhanced public health. farmusa.org
Fences for Fido - an all volunteer 501c3 non-profit - improves the quality of life for chained dogs living outside in the elements day and night. We attend to all needs by building a fence, removing the chain, supplying a warm dog house, providing critical vet care and spay/neuter, and returning yearly to ensure the dog lives a safe, un-chained life. fencesforfido.org
Green Acres Farm Sanctuary is a non-profit organization located on 28 acres in Silverton, Oregon. We are dedicated to providing compassionate care, food and shelter to abused, abandoned and unwanted farm animals. Our foster program for SafeHaven Humane Society, gives kittens and puppies a safe place until they are ready for adoption. Volunteers have an opportunity to have a positive affect on the lives of animals. Please visit us on Facebook or at greenacresfarmsanctuary.org
Help Animals India is an all-volunteer USA non-profit 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to supporting and advising efficient and effective animal protection and vegan promoting organizations in India. We partner with groups in India that get little help otherwise, we put donors’ contributions to work where they are most needed and can do the most good. helpanimalsindia.org
House of Dreams provides shelter and care for abandoned and homeless cats, with the goal of finding them permanent homes or providing them a lifetime home in our facility. We are a free-roam, no-kill cat shelter located in Portland, OR, and one of the only area shelters with facilities for Feline Leukemia positive kitties. House of Dreams is a 501(c)(3) organization, and is 100% volunteer operated. kittydreams.org
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization. Established in 1954, The HSUS seeks a humane and sustainable world for all animals. We are America's mainstream force against cruelty, exploitation, and neglect, and the nation's most trusted voice extolling the human-animal bond. www.humanesociety.org
In Defense Of Animals is an international non-profit organization dedicated to ending the exploitation and abuse of animals by defending their rights, welfare, and habitat. IDA's efforts include educational outreach, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue. For more information on IDA visit idausa.org
The Institute for Humane Education is dedicated to fostering peace, sustainability and compassion through humane education. Humane education approaches human rights, environmental preservation and animal protection as interconnected dimensions of a healthy, just society. IHE offers online programs, workshops, dynamic resources, & five accredited graduate programs in affiliation with Valparaiso University. HumaneEducation.org
Established in 2011, Lotus Elephant Sanctuary plans to be the largest elephant sanctuary on earth. First and foremost, the sanctuary will provide a safe haven for elephants to recover from physical injuries, drug addiction and emotional trauma while rebuilding their societies and population. They will be protected from poachers, and they will have a stable environment free from loss of habitat and the human/elephant conflict that is potentially deadly for both parties. lotussanctuary.org
Mercy for Animals works to create a society where all animals are treated with the compassion and respect they so rightfully deserve. We serve as a voice for animals through proactive consumer education initiatives, cruelty investigations, corporate outreach, and legal advocacy. mercyforanimals.org
National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) is the oldest accredited naturopathic medical college in North America. Our exceptional graduate programs in naturopathic medicine and classical Chinese medicine blend ancient healing wisdom with modern science in challenging curricula. NCNM's natural medicine clinics and Helfgott Research Institute are also central to the student experience. The college is located in Portland, Oregon, a haven for those seeking well-being, community, culture and natural beauty - an ideal place to study natural medicine. ncnm.edu
We are the Portland Animal Welfare Advocates (PAWA): regular, everyday people who live in the Portland, Oregon & surrounding area who advocate for the ethical treatment of animals. We are a grassroots, active group of people coming together to do something to help animals: supporting the overall welfare of animals, striving for a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, & sharing our company as we lend our voices, volunteer time, & energy to make a difference for the treatment of animals in our city & beyond. portlandanimalwelfareadvocates.tumblr.com
Out To Pasture Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit sanctuary located in Estacada, Oregon, and dedicated to sheltering abused or neglected animals. We care for many animals including large farm animals, pigs, rabbits and feral cats. Animals value their lives as much as we value our own and deserve to live free of exploitation and cruelty. outtopasturesanctuary.org
Rachel's Friends Breast Cancer Coalition is an Oregon advocacy organization dedicated to lowering the incidence of breast and other cancers by reducing our exposure to environmental carcinogens. We do this through education, legislative action, and organizing for change on behalf of Oregonians. rachelsfriends.org
Respecting Animals, an Oregon-based animal rights organization, works to end speciesism through regular vegan outreach and education-based protesting. Respecting Animals’ message is that animal use “is not right” and works to dispel the growing myth that there is a respectful, kind, or “humane” way to “do it right". respectinganimals.org
Save the Chimps Mission: To provide and build support for permanent sanctuary for the lifelong care of chimpanzees rescued from research laboratories, entertainment, and the pet trade. savethechimps.org
Supreme Master Ching Hai: With chapters in over 70 countries, our international nonprofit organization in Oregon wholeheartedly supports a global movement for a Vegan world. The Supreme Master Ching Hai, a 3-time invited lecturer by the UN, revered spiritual leader and humanitarian is pioneering the "Be Veg, Go Green!" campaign by offering scientifically based solutions to help save our planet from the impact of climate change. suprememastertv.com
T. Colin Campbell Foundation is based in Ithaca, NY, home of Cornell University. The T. Colin Campbell Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. TCCF offers the best scientific and health information available to the public, without influence from industry or commercial interests. tcolincampbell.org
Try Vegan PDX is a non-profit vegan outreach group in Portland, Oregon. Our goal is to offer resources, support, and community-building activities to those who have made the decision to go vegan. Whether you have only recently come to the decision to live a cruelty-free life or have been vegan for many years, Try Vegan PDX needs your support. Please tell your friends and get involved! tryveganpdx.com
VegNet Bend, in Bend, Oregon, headed by Barb Troyer and Judy Petullo, promotes education of a plant based diet, for our bodies, our world, and all the creatures who share it. Outreach includes tabling, showing films, vegan food sampling, and monthly potlucks featuring thought provoking speakers. vegnetbend.org
All Things Vegan Radio explores a variety of issues relating to food, animal and environmental concerns in Bend, Oregon and around the world. Barb and Judy co-host. allthingsveganradio.org
Product/Coupon Donors
Ashland Creek Press is a small, independent publisher of books with a world view. From travel narratives to eco-literature, our mission is to publish a range of books that foster an appreciation for worlds outside our own, for nature and the animal kingdom, and for the ways in which we all connect. ashlandcreekpress.com
Bragg Live Food Products and Bragg Health Science Book Publishing founded by Paul C. Bragg - the Originator of the Health Movement in the United States. Lead now by his daughter Patricia Bragg. Bragg's health food products include Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar & Vinegar Drinks, Liquid Aminos, Salt Free Seasonings, Nutritional Yeast, Olive Oil, Salad Dressings and Enzyme Supplements. The Bragg name is synonymous with A Healthy Lifestyle around the world - Serving Health Since 1912. Please visit our website: bragg.com to learn more about our products, books and the Bragg Health Crusade.
Crisproot Chips™ are made from the roots of the Cassava shrub (manihoc esculenta) that is native to South America but is cultivated all over Asia, South America, and Africa. Cassava (also known as tapioca, manioc and yuca) grows in arid conditions all year round, and needs very little water for cultivation. This makes it the perfect drought-tolerant crop the world over, especially in sub-Saharan regions of Africa and rocky, mountainous landscapes in South America. crisproot.com
ECOlunchboxes believes that lunch by lunch, we can green our world a whole bunch! Did you know the typical American family generates 4,320 pieces of trash each year during lunchtime? Our stainless steel ECOlunchboxes and artisan cotton ECOlunchbags are 100% plastic-free, waste free, lead-free, BPA-free, PVC-free and vinyl-free. In other words, it's healthy for people and the planet. YUMMY! www.ECOlunchboxes.com Also on Facebook: facebook.com/ecolunchboxes
EcoTeas is a grass-roots tea company from Ashland, Oregon that is owned and run by a circle of dedicated friends. EcoTeas are certified organic & fair trade and come in tulsi, rooibos, & unsmoked yerba mate. The company use their own zero-waste tea bags that received the 2012 Responsible Packaging Award. Plus their bulk tea packages are the best deal on the shelf! www.yerbamate.com gardeinTM is an award-winning range of tasty, nutritious, convenient everyday foods made from a blend of soy, wheat, and pea proteins, organic ancient grains and veggies. gardeinTM offers all the health benefits of eating less animal-based protein without sacrificing the taste and texture that many people crave. gardeinTM is a complete source of protein, cholesterol free and contains no animal or dairy ingredients. The gardeinTM product line offers healthier versions of the foods people love. gardein.com
GladRags: Since 1992 GladRags has empowered women to choose safe healthy menstrual products. Made to last for years, reusable menstrual pads and cups keep billions of pads and tampons out of the landfill. Available at natural foods stores and pharmacies across the nation and at www.GladRags.com
Guiltless Gourmet has always been dedicated to one mission: providing everyone with the best-tasting highest quality Better-For-You snacks and foods around. We continue striving to provide you with truly outstanding products without having to sacrifice taste. guiltlessgourmet.com
Lärabar is a delicious blend of unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices - and sometimes Fair Trade certified chocolate chips. Made from 100% whole food, each flavor contains no more than 2 to 9 ingredients. Pure and simple, just as nature intended. larabar.com
Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods is a Canadian based vertically integrated hemp food processor. Our products include kosher and certified organic shelled hemp seed (Hemp Hearts), hemp oil, hemp seed butter, hemp protein powders including the world's only water soluble hemp protein concentrate, Hemp Pro 70 and Hemp Bliss our non-dairy hemp milk. Hemp seed is an amazing source of Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 & Omega 6) and a great source of vegetarian protein. manitobaharvest.com
Papa G's Vegan Organic's is a diverse All Organic All Vegan Company offering some of the best tasting all organic vegan food on the market today! We have an all organic vegan deli, a packaged ready to eat product line sold in stores, and an all organic catering company. Our deli offers an ever changing variety of vegan options. It is called Papa G's Vegan Organic Deli, located at 2314 SE Division St. in Portland, Oregon. We offer All Organic hot plates and bowls, All Organic salad bar, All Organic sandwich line, raw options, and All Organic soup bar. We pride ourselves in offering great tasting healthy food, Fast! Our packaged prepared foods are available all over town and throughout the Pacific Northwest. We offer all kinds of ready to eat wholesale food for restaurants, bars, schools, hospitals, or any other institution wanting to offer healthy, gluten free, vegan, organic options to their clientèle! We offer full catering services. Give us a call and let us customize a menu for your next event, party, or wedding. We are the most sustainable caterer around! We are more than happy to sit down with you and create a menu that works for both your event and your budget. www.papagees.com
Premier Organics, manufacturers of Artisana organic foods and headquartered in Oakland, CA, was founded in 2002 with devotion to sustainable living and through our community we support the organic and living foods movement, the Earth and her forests. Premier Organics offers Artisana organic raw and now lightly roasted nut butters and cacao butter. The facility is free of peanuts, gluten, and soy and operates under strict food safety protocol. All products are certified organic by QAI and Kosher by KSA. Products are available throughout the United States, Canada and Internationally. artisanafoods.com
Raw Indulgence energy bars are gluten free, vegan, and wheat, corn, soy, trans-fat, cholesterol and refined sugar free. Raw, living foods are clean, and have higher nutrient content than cooked food. Processed foods such as protein isolates and grain based fillers are acidic and cause fermentation in the body. Raw Organic foods are closest to their natural state, bringing us closer to healing ourselves and the global ecology. rawrev.com
Silver Hills Bakery has two simple goals: bake wholesome, great tasting bread and inspire healthier living through healthier choices. To help achieve our goals, we make bread the way we believe it should be – as simple, organic and delicious as possible. Made with sprouted 100% organic whole grains, Silver Hills breads and bagels are loaded with fiber, protein and fantastic flavor. www.silverhillsbakery.ca
Sister River Foods (formerly Eat in the Raw) was founded with the belief that eating healthful, minimally processed foods is a major key to feeling our best. Our recipes are simple, nutritious, and great tasting. Parma! is made in small batches with great care -- we send our love and healing intentions into every batch of Parma! we make. Our family owned business uses only the highest quality ingredients and nothing you can't pronounce. We started making what is now Parma! while trying to figure out how to deal with our severe allergies. We shared it with friends and family -- and everyone loved it! So when we started our family, we started bottling our yummy "cheese", and along with our baby, Parma! was born. www.eatparma.com
Sunshine Burger Our Products are tried and true, from the farms to your table. Optimize your wellness with nutritional food and products from Sunshine Burger. The protein in our sunflower based burgers is built by the energy of the sun and rich organic soil. Our delicious veggie burgers are made with sunflower seeds and Lundberg Family Farms brown rice. They contain absolutely no soy or wheat, which is ideal for gluten free diets. All of our products complement active and healthy lifestyles for adults and growing families. sunshineburger.com
The Vegg "A New Egg-Free “Egg” is Hatched: The Vegg! A brand new incredible, edible egg-free product has just hit the market, making vegan eating even easier and tastier than ever before. The Vegg is a versatile egg yolk replacer that can be used (instead of eggs) in a wide range of recipes, and you can even use it straight as a liquid “yolk” for dipping toast. In fact, it looks, smells, and even tastes like eggs – but without all the cruelty. The Vegg is all-vegan, which is great news for the more than 250 million egg-laying hens in the US, most of whom spend their lives intensively confined inside barren wire cages. And since it’s made using 100% plant-based ingredients -- fortified nutritional yeast (dry yeast, niacin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamin hydrochloride, folic acid, B12), sodium alginate, black sea salt, beta carotene -- it’s also 100% cholesterol-free, which makes it heart-healthy, too." www.thevegg.com
At Vancouver Spinal Care we specialize in body balance, using a multi-technique approach to address each client's needs. Dr. Derrick Hau specializes in alignment without popping or twisting the spine and has great results with headaches, migraines and even more severe neurological issues such as seizures and Fibromyalgia. For many people who have not had results with traditional chiropractic, this approach can be the answer. Dr. Ken Ransonet specializes in sports medicine, using gentle adjustments and special exercises. He has great results helping people quickly return to their active lives with this advanced rehabilitation. Melt Body Studio, located inside of Vancouver Spinal Care, specializes in Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, sports and medical massage. Our therapists coordinate directly with the doctors, providing an integrative and custom experience in a relaxing spa atmosphere.www.vancouverspinalcare.com
VeganEssentials.com is your online vegan superstore with over 2000 different cruelty-free items in stock. With food and sweets, footwear and accessories, vitamins and supplements, bath and body care, home goods and more, we have the largest selection online of all-vegan items and are adding expanding our offerings every month. Fast and friendly service, great prices, and quick shipping make it easy to get what you need from VeganEssentials.com, serving the community since 1998! veganessentials.com
WholeSoy & Co Using only whole, organic soybeans we create an all-natural soybase that is the first ingredient in each cup of WholeSoy & Co. yogurt. We add live cultures and all natural ingredients to create a delicious yogurt with all the health benefits of soy protein and probiotics, but with no dairy, cholesterol or chemical additives. WholeSoy yogurt is so rich and creamy most people are surprised to find out its dairy free! Though we all have our favorites, we suggest you try all eleven flavors and decide for yourself. wholesoyco.com
Zippity News is a free, fun and enjoyable weekly paper that everyone can love! zippitynews.com