Volunteer Spotlight: Amy Cook

February 13, 2017
How long have you been veg and why?
Vegetarian off and on since college and vegan for the last 6 years.
How has being veg impacted your life?
I am conscious of what I put in my body and that makes me healthier and happier.
How did you get involved with volunteering for NW VEG?
I volunteered 4 years ago to get free admission into VegFest and really enjoyed being on the trash and recycling crew so I decided to be the lead for that team and it's really fun seeing the same volunteers come back year after year. And this team pretty much rocks!
What is an interesting hobby, talent or passion you have?
I love hiking and swimming so I love finding cool natural swimming holes in lakes and rivers after a nice hike.
What is something left on your bucket list of things that you would like to see, do or accomplish?
Learn to sail. I am taking a trip to Baja soon to learn.
What advice would you give an individual wanting to try a veg diet?
Just do it. And give yourself a break. You don't have to start out super strict!