Volunteer Spotlight: Kris Eisenman

November 29, 2016
How long have you been veg and why?
I've been vegetarian for over 35 years. Although I always leaned toward a plant based diet, I became exclusively vegan about 2 years ago. I am vegan for my health, the environment and the animals.
How has being veg impacted your life?
I do not have any of the chronic illness that plagued my parents and continue to plague my siblings. I've also have met the most wonderful and compassionate friends through events hosted by NW Veg.
How did you get involved with volunteering for NW VEG?
I started volunteering with NW Veg when I moved to Portland about 5 years ago. After I finished the Master Veg program in 2015 I started volunteering more frequently.
What is an interesting hobby, talent or passion you have?
Cooking and Birdwatching are my two greatest passions. I teach people how to cook through PCRM's Food For Life program and I bird watch with anyone who happens to be walking along side of me.
What is something left on your bucket list of things that you would like to see, do or accomplish?
I want to visit Australia and Iceland.
What advice would you give an individual wanting to try a veg diet?
Just do it. Don't obsess about the future and what you won't eat. Just take it a meal at a time and explore all the delicious and healthy food out there. Also learn to cook. Making your own whole foods plant based meals is the biggest thing you can do to improve your health.