Volunteer Spotlight: Emily Canibano

November 1, 2016
How long have you been veg and why?
I have been a vegan 30 years because even as a child I could not reconcile loving animals and gaining sustenance from killing or exploiting them.
How has being veg impacted your life?
When I first became a vegan it wasn't mainstream. I was in grade school and there were no other kids like me. The whole experience of choosing to live consciously has made me more aware of my own power: as a self advocate, a consumer and an educator.
How did you get involved with volunteering for NW VEG?
When we moved to Portland we didn't know anyone or any places then we saw an ad for VegFest. This past year I really wanted to dive into volunteering so I contacted NW VEG about sponsoring the kids area and blending my love of veganism with my passion for early childhood education.
What is an interesting hobby, talent or passion you have?
My husband bought me a Little Free Library for outside of our vegan school. I painted the whole thing with the covers from childhood books and its been featured on a few LFL blogs. I love being a little free librarian; my library rolls my hobby, talent and passions into one.
What is something left on your bucket list of things that you would like to see, do or accomplish?
I've been creating vegan treats and eats for decades and sometimes dream of a career change in that direction, but the food industry can be volatile so I'll settle for visiting the Herbivorous Butcher.
What advice would you give an individual wanting to try a veg diet?
Don't get caught up in anyone else's dogma, all well worn paths start with a step.