A note of gratitude on behalf of Northwest VEG

October 24, 2016
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make Portland VegFest such a celebration this past weekend. We had a record number of volunteers (over 400!), a record number of exhibitors, incredible speakers and film screenings, and the best attendees. An additional thank you to all our sponsors who help make an event of this size possible.
At the core of our mission at Northwest VEG is compassion - for ourselves and other humans, for our planet, for all the non-human animals with whom we share the earth. One of our esteemed speakers this weekend emphasized that his journey to a plant-based diet started with his wife's compassion toward animals and to him as a then-omnivore. This weekend, the compassion that livens our community was present in spades: volunteers for whom this was their twelfth year helping to run Portland VegFest smoothly; the awe of those for whom this was their first VegFest; the growing all-vegan companies that have blossomed, driven by passionate, compassionate entrepreneurs; the increasing number of omnivorous companies that have launched vegan product lines to meet increasing consumer demand; the many other organizations spreading their own missions of compassion.
If you are not already a member of Northwest VEG, now is a great time to show your support for NW VEG and all our events held throughout the year, along with the compassionate, health, and environmental outreach we deliver! More information on joining here.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your dedication and commitment to our community.
With love and gratitude,
Jaclyn Leeds, Executive Director
Photo credit to Enoch Thomas.