Volunteer Spotlight: Jamie Loken

October 7, 2016
How long have you been veg and why?
I went vegetarian 9 years ago, and I've been vegan for 6.5. My choices stem from multiple areas. Health. Environmental. Spiritual.
How has being veg impacted your life?
It's elevated it in ways I probably don’t even yet fully recognize. Making decisions in an effort to align internal intentions with external action shapes every moment of every day. The entire world appears different.
How did you get involved with volunteering for NW VEG?
After moving to Portland this spring, I saw a notice for the VegFest planning committee. I'd previously worked with environmental organizations, but I really felt as if it were time to direct my energy into a different world-shaping approach that was also a significant aspect of my life.
What is an interesting hobby, talent or passion you have?
I love shooting… and not with a gun. Framing what feels like the perfect shot is startling and exceptionally subjective. I spent over a decade involved in film before I moved to Portland. It's lovely to stand behind a camera and witness how the simplest adjustments can shift perception and the viewer's vision of things.
What is something left on your bucket list of things that you would like to see, do or accomplish?
Egypt. I'd love to wander Egypt.
What advice would you give an individual wanting to try a veg diet?
The majority of messages you receive every day are in place to sell you something. Ultimately, the most important story you'll ever tell in life is the one you whisper to yourself.