


Saturday, November 14, 2015

10:30amFitnessNia - Andrea Bell
11:00amKaleI Couldn't Give Up Cheese and Other Myths About Living Vegan - Colleen Patrick Goudreau
11:00amCarrotVegans in a Non-Vegan World: Living the Example - Sid Garza-Hillman
11:00amFilmPlantPure Nation
11:00amFashion100% Pure
11:30amFitnessAthlete Panel - Getting Started
11:30amFashionCompassionate Closet
11:50amFashionHerbivore Clothing Company
12:10pmFashiondōTERRA + Mind Body Spirit
12:30pmKaleEnhancing Emotional Intelligence - Neil Nedley, MD
12:30pmCarrotVegan Athletes Panel - Robert Cheeke and Brenda Carey
12:30pmPearVegan Cookery Gone Wild - Mistress Ginger
12:30pmExpertTransitioning and Cooking - Grant Butler
12:30pmFitnessRunning - Wilfredo Benitez
12:30pmFashionV Apparel
12:50pmFashionVanessa Huntley
1:10pmFashionDeja bags
1:30pmFitnessYoga Riot - Annie Ory
2:00pmKaleNutrition and Cancer: Stop Cancer with Whole Foods - Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH
2:00pmCarrotFictions, Facts and Food Choices - Robert Grillo
2:00pmPearFrom Instant to Classic: From The Homemade Vegan Pantry - Miyoko Schinner
2:00pmExpertVegan/Gluten-free Baking - Erin Lehn Floresca
2:30pmFitnessJazzercize - Tiffany Wildes and Audra Oakley
2:50pmFashionSunny Subramanian of Vegan Beauty Review
3:10pmFashionKat Mendenhall
3:30pmKaleThriving on a Plant-based Diet - Michael Klaper, MD
3:30pmCarrotLiving a Compassionate Life - Jay Weiner
3:30pmPearMaking Common Treats with Uncommon Ingredients - Deb Kay
3:30pmExpertNutrition and Cancer - Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH
3:30pmFitnessBoxing 101 - Dru Brozovich
3:30pmFashionNorth Coast Organics
5:00pmKaleFood is Funny - Dan Piraro
5:00pmCarrotHow Vegan Athletes are Defying Stereotypes - Matt Ruscigno MPH RD
5:00pmPearThe Art of Gluten-Free Vegan Baking - Laurie Sadowski
5:00pmFilmTurlock - Q&A with Shauna Sherick from Wildwood Farm Sanctuary
6:00pmLobbyVegFest Attendee Mixer - Meet outside exhibit hall

Sunday, November 15, 2015

10:30amFitnessOvercoming Obstacles - Tim Van Orden
11:00amKaleSalt, Sugar and Oils: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Michael Klaper, MD
11:00amCarrotLiving a Compassionate Life - Jay Weiner
11:00amPearEat Like You Give a Damn - Michelle Schwegmann & Josh Hooten
11:00amFashionCompassionate Closet
11:20amFashionKat Mendenhall
11:30amFitnessAthlete Panel
12:00pmFashionNorth Coast Organics
12:20pmFashionDeja Bags
12:30pmKaleTips for Communicating Your Vegan Values - Colleen Patrick Goudreau
12:30pmCarrotRaising Healthy AND Happy Vegan Children - Sid Garza-Hillman
12:30pmPearInspired Homemade Bacon, Condiments, & Stories from the Homade Vegan Pantry - Miyoko Schinner
12:30pmExpertOperating a Vegan Business - Nicole Sopko
12:30pmFitnessYoga Riot - Annie Ory
12:40pmFashionV Apparel
1:00pmFashion100% Pure
1:30pmFitnessRunning - Wilfredo Benitez
2:00pmKaleUnraveling the Myth that Plant-based Foods are Expensive and Exotic - Matt Ruscigno MPH RD
2:00pmCarrotFrom Food to Companion: An Urban Chicken Epiphany - Robert Grillo
2:00pmPearDIY Dairy Alternatives: From Ganache to Ricotta! - Laurie Sadowski
2:00pmExpertRaising Vegan Families - Wendy Gabbe Day
2:00pmFilmTurlock - Q&A with Shauna Sherick from Wildwood Farm Sanctuary
2:30pmFitnessNia - Andrea Bell
2:50pmFashionHerbivore Clothing Company
3:10pmFashiondōTERRA + Mind Body Spirit
3:30pmKaleOptimize Your Brain - Neil Nedley, MD
3:30pmCarrotEnvironmental Effects of Human Carnivory - William Ripple PhD
3:30pmPearBreakfast of Cha-Cha-Champions - Mistress Ginger
3:30pmExpertNutrition - Tammy Russell
3:30pmFitnessBiking - Zak Kovalcik
3:30pmFashionVanessa Huntley
5:00pmKaleFood is Funny - Dan Piraro
5:00pmFilmPlantPure Nation

Teen Area

  • Free Photo Booth! - Get your face painted, pose with your friends and create an "All Animals Matter" memory at this year's VegFest and enter to win a raffle full of veg books, treats and clothes!
  • Participate in a Scavenger Hunt at our Trivia Table Fun and prizes!
  • Chat with other teens and young adults about going veg and learn how you can get more involved in the community.
  • Browse teen specific info on becoming and navigating as a vegetarian/vegan.
  • Grab some FREE stickers, CDs and veggie starter kits
  • Make a difference for farm animals! - Create a few Happy Socks cat toys to be sold to raise money for Out To Pasture Farm Sanctuary!

Kid's Activities

  • "Taste the Rainbow" table - Kids can try various colored fruits and vegetables in exchange for different color beads in order to create a keep sake bracelet.
  • Face painting!
  • Guided by our volunteers, kids can create dog toys for local no kill shelters
  • With the help of our volunteers, children will decorate their own biodegradable pot and go home with seeds, dirt and literature on how they can become veganic gardeners.
  • HEART will lead kids in creating their own humane book marks and buttons
  • Plus we will have special stickers as well as coloring sheets and books for kids to take home!
  • Veggie Twister, PETA's Fur N' Feathers board game and more!
  • Story times presented by HEART (Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers):
    Saturday 11am, 1pm, and 3pm
    Sunday 11am, 1pm, and 3pm


Michael Klaper, MD

Michael Klaper, MD

Michael Klaper, MD, is a gifted clinician, internationally recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. He has practiced medicine for more than 40 years, and is a leading educator in applied plant-based nutrition and integrative medicine. doctorklaper.com

Thriving on a Plant-based Diet - How to avoid common mis-steps in vegan and vegetarian diets. This presentation will explore common myths in plant-based nutrition and present a simple guide to creating delicious and healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Salt, Sugar and Oils: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - America’s three favorite flavors - salt, sugar and fat - are also linked to obesity, heart attacks, diabetes and other health catastrophes. This talk will explore whether there is any place for these powerful taste-teasers in a healthy, plant-based diet.

Dan Piraro

Dan Piraro

Award-winning cartoonist and fine artist, Dan Piraro, is best known for his syndicated newspaper cartoon, Bizarro, published daily in newspapers worldwide since 1985. Over his 30-year career, Piraro has published 16 books of his cartoons as well as three books of prose. He has also toured the country as a stand-up comedian. While he is not an editorial cartoonist, per se, he is well known for his social commentary on environmentalism, animal welfare, vegetarianism, and politics, with many of his cartoons going viral on Twitter and other social media sites. bizarro.com

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is an author, speaker, podcast producer, video host, and creator of The 30-Day Vegan Challenge. Her "Food for Thought" podcast, which began in 2006, has brought plant-based eating into the mainstream. Covering culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living vegan, she has authored 7 books, including the best-selling The Joy of Vegan Baking. joyfulvegan.com

Paulette Chandler

Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH

Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH, is a board-certified internal medicine physician, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Associate Epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA. She has expertise in clinical innovation using nutrition for chronic disease prevention. As a cancer researcher, her research focuses on evaluating the role of nutrition in cancer prevention and cancer survival and translating the findings into clinical practice. Paulette Chandler bio and Cancer Project talk

Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD

Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD

Matthew Ruscigno, MPH, RD, is the past Chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, works in private practice and is the co-author of No Meat Athlete with Matt Frazier and Appetite for Reduction with Isa Moskowitz. Matt has rare insight into the small but expanding world of plant-based athletics through nutrition counseling, his 19 years of veganism and the video documentary series on vegan athletes he co-founded, Strongest Hearts. An athlete himself, Matt races in ironman triathlons, ultramarathons and 24-hour mountain bike races. truelovehealth.com

How Vegan Athletes are Defying Stereotypes - What you need to know about the rise of the vegan athlete and how you can be healthy, happy, and active while relying on plant-based foods.

Unraveling the Myth that Plant-based Foods are Expensive and Exotic - Do you need kombucha, goji berries, and raw organic carrot juice to be healthy? This talk will go over the science of plant-based nutrition and give practical tips for meeting your nutrient needs and preventing chronic disease with everyday vegan foods.

Neil Nedley, MD

Neil Nedley, MD

Neil Nedley, MD, directs the world's most comprehensive program for depression and anxiety recovery, utilizing nutrition and lifestyle modalities to alleviate these mental illnesses. His program also greatly enhances general intelligence and emotional intelligence. Dr. Nedley is the author of three books, including Proof Positive: How to Reliably Combat Disease and Achieve Optimal Health Through Nutrition and Lifestyle, and also an 8-part DVD Workbook Series that is used extensively in mental health education programs throughout the U.S. and other countries. nedleyhealthsolutions.com

Sid Garza-Hillman

Sid Garza-Hillman

Bringing humor, excitement, and inspiration to the healthy living world, Sid Garza-Hillman, the Small Step Advocate, author of Approaching the Natural: A Health Manifesto and host of the Approaching the Natural Podcast, distills his years of research into super-accessible, unforgettable presentations. Garza-Hillman believes the closer we move by degrees to our natural design in physical nutrition, movement, socializing, and what he calls “mental nutrition” (journaling, meditation, mindfulness, creativity), the healthier and happier we will be in the modern world. Sid is also the Programs Director & Certified Nutritionist at Stanford Inn's Mendocino Center for Living Well and Director of the Stanford Inn's Ravens Restaurant.

Jay Weiner

Jay Weiner

Jay L. Weiner serves as Co-Founder for The Gentle Barn, managing all aspects of the rapidly growing nonprofit that has rescued and rehabilitated thousands of animals across the United States. Jay is on the frontline of all animal rescues The Gentle Barn performs. He specializes in the rescue and rehabilitation of severely injured and abused animals as well as undercover rescue work and emergency animal rescue services. Jay is a mission-driven business builder, passionate animal welfare advocate, and accomplished animal rescuer, whose deep commitment to animal wellness and proactive corporate social responsibility has established The Gentle Barn as a multimillion dollar, world renowned, national organization serving as a model of excellence in animal and child welfare.

William Ripple

William Ripple, PhD

William Ripple, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor of Ecology at Oregon State University in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society. He is a widely published researcher and a prominent figure in the field of ecology. He is best known for his research on terrestrial trophic cascades.

Environmental Effects of Human Carnivory - Humans cause profound impacts on natural ecosystems, and our consumption of animal-based food is one of our most powerful negative forces. Professor Ripple will display pictures of his research travels and how he links livestock production and human carnivory to major ecological consequences.

Robert Grillo

Robert Grillo

Robert Grillo has been a branding, marketing, and design professional for the last 20 years. In his early years he worked on accounts like McDonald’s and Kraft Foods. In 2009, he founded Free from Harm to promote farmed animal rescue, education, and advocacy. As an activist, author, and speaker, Grillo focuses awareness on the animal’s experience and point of view.

Fictions, Facts and Food Choices - We are what we eat, but what are the powerful forces shaping our food choices? Robert Grillo reveals how the powerful forces of popular culture inform our food choices, often without us even knowing it.

From Food to Companion: An Urban Chicken Epiphany - This presentation weaves together two powerful ways that can transform how we look at chickens: personal observation and scientific behavioral study.

Miyoko Schinner

Miyoko Schinner

Entrepreneur for 30+ years in the food world as a bestselling author, chef and creator of delicious, decadent, healthful plant-based food, Miyoko Schinner is dedicated to pleasing the omnivore’s palate in all of us. Inspiring the general public through her five cookbooks, including the best-selling Artisan Vegan Cheese and the just-published The Homemade Vegan Pantry—the Art of Making Your Own Staples. In 2014 she launched an artisan vegan cheese company, Miyoko’s Kitchen, which set out to redefine the category of “cheese."

Laurie Sadowski

Laurie Sadowski

Laurie Sadowski’s love of food began at a young age, but her creativity in the kitchen started when she was diagnosed with celiac disease. Adopting a vegan diet further fueled her foodie fire, leading to winning the vegetarian category in a national recipe cook-off and becoming a food columnist. Her books, The Allergy-Free Cook Bakes Bread, The Allergy-Free Cook Bakes Cakes and Cookies, and The Allergy-Free Cook Makes Pies and Desserts are devoted to gluten-, dairy-, egg- and soy-free baked goods that taste just like the real thing. lauriesadowski.com

Mistress Ginger

Mistress Ginger

Justin Leaf is a performance artist, dance teacher, and yoga teacher. Since graduating from the Juilliard School in 2001 with a bachelor of fine arts in dance performance, Justin has been a ballet dancer by day. By night, Justin has infiltrated the Twin Cities cabaret circuit with performances that bring together his dancing chops, his passion for vocal performance, and the creature that is Mistress Ginger.

Mistress Ginger decided to commemorate her 10 years as vegan by writing a vegan cookbook, Mistress Ginger Cooks! Everyday Vegan Food for Everyone. justinleaf.com

Michelle Schwegmann

Michelle Schwegmann and Josh Hooten

Michelle Schwegmann and Josh Hooten founded Herbivore, a T-shirt design company, in 2002 as a means of providing stylish clothing to spread the message of animal rights. They opened a retail store in 2006 and in 2007 were one of four businesses that established Portland’s vegan mini-mall. They donate design work and products to major and small-scale animal rights and social justice groups. Josh received a “Be the Change” award from Farm Sanctuary in 2009. Michelle is currently on the board of National Museum of Animals & Society in Los Angeles. Eat Like You Give A Damn is their first cookbook. herbivoreclothing.com

The duo will be demoing two recipes from their new cookbook: Only Kale Can Save Us Now Salad and Roasted Beet Burger.

Deb Kay

Deb Kay

Deb Kay is a Certified Vegan Fusion Cooking Instructor having over thirty five years cooking experience at home and professionally, the last ten years concentrating on plant based cuisine. Deb’s trained with award winning vegan chefs: Mark Reinfeld, owner of Vegan Fusion and author of five cookbooks including the 30-Minute Vegan Series, and Chef Al Chase, owner of the Institute of Culinary Awakening. Deb has been teaching workshops and classes in the Pacific Northwest for four years.

Robert Cheeke

Robert Cheeke

Robert grew up on a farm in Corvallis, OR where he adopted a vegan lifestyle in 1995 at age 15. Today he is the best-selling author of the book, Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness - The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet, and his latest book, Shred It!. As a two-time natural bodybuilding champion, Robert is considered one of VegNews magazine's Most Influential Vegan Athletes. He tours around the world sharing his story of transformation from a skinny farm kid to champion vegan bodybuilder.

Brenda Carey

Brenda Carey

Brenda Carey is the Editor in Chief of and founder of Vegan Health & Fitness Magazine. As a lifelong athlete and 24-year vegan, she founded this magazine in 2012 to provide accurate information on vegan health and nutrition as well as inspirational stories about the many great vegan athletes around the world. A skilled researcher and a fan of hard evidence, Brenda is a licensed attorney. Brenda’s background also includes an international modeling career as well as a strong interest in her hobby of photography. Brenda also wrote columns on environmental and animal rights issues for many newspapers and was an editor of the top US environmental academic journal Ecology Law Quarterly.

Tammy Russell

Tammy Russell MS, RD, LD

Tammy Russell MS, RD, LD has been a dietitian for a little over 20 years and has been practicing integrative nutrition for half of that time. Recently Tammy has been training in Functional Medicine and has been certified by the Institute of Functional Medicine in Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice. Currently Tammy has her own practice in SW Portland where she specializes in GI related disorders such as SIBO, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, candida, and leaky gut however she also has vast experience in diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disorders Tammy's counseling style is based on motivational interviewing which emphasizes empathy and compassion versus strict protocols.

Wendy Gabbe Day

Wendy Gabbe Day

Wendy is a vegan cooking instructor, author of a whole-food cookbook, Scatter Vegan Sweets, NW VEG board member and former coordinator for the organization. She attended University of California, Irvine and played Division 1 college basketball. Wendy has been a vegetarian since birth and a vegan since the age of 5. Wendy and her husband, Eric, are proud parents of two vegan children. livelydays.com

Erin Lehn Floresca

Erin Lehn Floresca

Fellow veghead Erin has been a writer and editor in the healthy living realm for over 10 years. Several years ago, this avid baker began exploring the gluten-free lifestyle for digestive health reasons. However, she didn't want to give up the flavor or texture of her favorite baked goods. After much trial and error, she finally learned the secrets behind what constituted a good gluten-free flour blend. Stop by and chat with her about how to ensure your homemade vegan/gluten-free baked goods taste amazing! Connect at erinlehnfloresca.com

Erin Lehn Floresca

Grant Butler

Grant Butler is a features writer for The Oregonian's Foodday section and MIX magazine. He writes the twice-monthly Going Vegan column, which explores plant-based living and eating, and features interviews with local and national authors, chefs and health figures. Grant also explores plant-based nutrition and issues of sustainability in his writing. At the Ask The Experts table, he'll answer questions about favorite recipes, cookbooks and favorite vegan restaurants.

Nicole Sopko

Nicole Sopko

Nicole Sopko is the Vice President of Chicago-based vegan food company, Upton's Naturals. A vegan for almost 20 years, she has been with the company for the past 5 years, dedicating much of her life to increasing the availability and appeal of vegan food in the market. Her role has given her the experience of growing a small business in all aspects from production, sourcing, sales, distribution, marketing, human resources, and more. In addition to her work at Upton's Naturals, Nicole also teaches yoga and owns a yoga center in the Chicago area called Yoga Trek. Her broad base of experiences in running these two businesses make her a great resource for all of your business questions!

Andrea Bell

Andrea Bell

Andrea is a 1st Degree Nia Blackbelt instructor and Animal Rights Activist dedicated to facilitating experience through the body that brings people alive, not only to themselves, but to their world. Nia in Swahili means "with purpose" and that is exactly what Andreas mission is... facilitation of purpose. Empowerment of not just body, but mind, emotion and spirit, through Joy. Andrea asks the question, "What are you standing for?" Come dance, explore and use your voice in playful ways to find out! Nia blends choreography with the unique expression of each individual. movementasmettaphor.com

Nia - A mind/body approach to fitness and personal discovery. If you like Zumba, you'll love Nia.

Tim Van Orden

Tim Van Orden

Tim Van Orden is shattering the myths and misconceptions that surround a plant based diet. He has spent the past 10 years proving that a vegan athlete can excel in some of the world's most grueling sports. Along the way, Tim was named "U.S. Masters Runner of the Year", four times, and he's garnered 10 U.S. Trail Running Championship titles at 10k, 15k, Half, Marathon, and 50k. In addition, Tim has finished top 10 in the world championships of stair climbing, snowshoe racing and mountain running.

Tiffany Wildes (left) and Audra Oakley

Tiffany Wildes and Audra Oakley

Tiffany Wildes (left) was vegetarian for 21 years, before deciding to become vegan in July 2014. Jazzercise has been a part of Tiffany’s life since 2004, when she decided to join in order to combine two of her passions – pop music and dance. May 2016 will be Tiffany’s fifth year as an instructor at the Portland Jazzercise Fitness Center (1847 E Burnside). During the day, Tiffany works as a Speech-Language Pathologist with the geriatric population. Audra Oakley (right) is an avid animal lover. Going vegetarian at the age of 20, she made the leap to veganism 10 years ago. After much coercion, Tiffany Wildes convinced Audra to try Jazzercise. The fun atmosphere and welcoming vibe made it easy to incorporate exercise into daily life. Thus making it her gateway drug into fitness. The December 2015 marks her seventh year as an instructor at the Portland Jazzercise Fitness Center (1847 E Burnside). To offset the healthy lifestyle she has created, Audra works at Back to Eden Bakery as a baker and cake decorator.

Joelle Rash

A vegan for nearly 10 years, Joelle discovered Jazzercise classes as a fun way to get moving and round out a healthy lifestyle, and soon became an instructor at Milwaukie-Sellwood Jazzercise Studio. She spends her days working for the 100% vegan food distributor, Earthly Gourmet, and has served NW Veg as Eastside Potluck Coordinator for four years.

Jazzercise - Jazzercise is a pulse-pounding, beat-pumping, body-blasting fitness program that gets you results…fast. It’s a high intensity dance party that fuses cardio, strength, Pilates, hip hop, yoga and kickboxing. Burn up to 800 calories per hour in any of our 60 minute classes.

Zak Kovalcik

Zak Kovalcik

Zak Kovalcik is a professional cyclist and 12 year vegan. He has won 3 elite national championships and 18 national championship medals on the track. He also runs the Black Lodge Cycling team based out of Portland, OR.

Dru Brozovich

Dru Brozovich

Dru Brozovich is a Straight Edge, vegan, naturalist personal trainer metalhead from Seattle who runs MetalMadeFitness.com, and represents Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness and Vega.

Annie Ory

Annie Ory

Annie Ory is a professional yoga teacher, whole life coach and massage therapist. Annie is owner of yogaRIOT in SE Portland, a Baptiste inspired yoga studio that is causing a ruckus and shaking up the status quo. Annie has trained with Bikram Choudhury and Baron Baptiste, as well as powerful and inspiring yoga teachers and coaches all over the US and around the world. Annie believes that the likeliest place to launch profound changes in the way we interact with the world is on a yoga mat.

Wilfredo Benitez

Wilfredo Benitez

Wilfredo Benitez has been running for about 10 years, but have been more serious over the past 3 years. He's run 4 marathons (1 Boston Qualifier) and 4 ultramarathons, in addition to numerous shorter-distance events. Wilfredo firmly believes that following a plant-based/vegan diet of mostly whole foods has allowed him to remain healthy and injury-free even though his running and training has gotten so much more involved. As an aspiring whole foods, plant-based nutritionist, Wilfredo believes an active lifestyle can only be sustained by the smartest nutrition choices. He loves talking about nutrition and running which is why he blogs about living a healthy and active lifestyle at EatRunAndDone.com.

Film Screenings


Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today - and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean "dead zones," and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged. As Andersen approaches leaders in the environmental movement, he increasingly uncovers what appears to be an intentional refusal to discuss the issue of animal agriculture, while industry whistle blowers and watchdogs warn him of the risks to his freedom and even his life if he dares to persist. www.cowspiracy.com

PlantPure Nation

PlantPure Nation tells the story of three people on a quest to spread the message of one of the most important health breakthroughs of all time. After renowned nutritional scientist and bestselling author T. Colin Campbell gives a stirring speech on the floor of the Kentucky House of Representatives, his son, Nelson, and Kentucky State Representative Tom Riner work together to propose a pilot program documenting the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Once the legislation goes into Committee, agribusiness lobbyists kill the plan. Undeterred, Nelson decides to try his own pilot project in his hometown of Mebane, North Carolina. plantpurenation.com


Go inside the largest rescue of farm animals in California history. Follow Animal Place rescuers as they negotiate the release of 4,460 hens from a battery cage egg farm, where the egg farmer had abandoned 50,000 hens without food for more than two weeks.

The film will be introduced and followed with Q&A by Shauna Sherick, founder of Wildwood Farm Sanctuary. Growing up on her grandparents’ farm, Shauna was always saving animals and dreamed of one running her own animal sanctuary. Shauna earned a degree in veterinary technology and began working as a licensed veterinary technician for the last 20 years at a practice where farm animals are about half the patients. Shauna sees how unique and special farm animals are, and that they possess the same emotions and characteristics that companion animals such as dogs and cats have. And it was then Shauna removed animal products from her life and became deeply committed to helping farm animals who have been abused or abandoned by providing a compassionate, loving, safe place for them to live out their natural lives.