
Sponsor & Exhibitor Info

We hope you will join us on October 20 & 21, 2018 at the Oregon Convention Center! Our top priority will be to accommodate our sponsors, food exhibitors, and exhibitors of products and services directly related to the Northwest VEG mission, including nonprofit groups.

Applications are not yet open for 2018, but please check back soon and email us with any questions!

Click here for answers to Exhibitor's Frequently Asked Questions.

Saturday & Sunday, October 20 & 21, 2018
Oregon Convention Center - Exhibit Hall A
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97232

General Info

  • Because many vegans are expected to attend VegFest, we ask that all food and other products being exhibited or sold at VegFest be vegan (no honey, milk, whey, eggs, gelatin, or other animal products).
  • Please help us promote VegFest through your websites, newsletters, emails, calendars, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Please see our media page for logos and other details.
  • Volunteers will direct you to your table(s) during set-up. Limited volunteer assistance will be available for load-in.
  • Exhibit displays and signs must be on tables or freestanding. Wall space is limited.
  • Table coverings are not provided. Please bring your own. Commercial Food Exhibitors, Food Samples Only Exhibitors and Restaurant Exhibitors who are heating food at their table must use a flame-retardant table covering.
  • Electricity is by pre-arrangement only. Please email exhibitors@nwveg.org if your needs have changed. To find how may amps of power you need for your equipment, find how many watts the equipment draws, divide by 120 and that equals your needed amps.
  • For all food sampling/selling exhibitors, it is our goal to reduce waste as much as possible in our efforts to be an environmentally responsible event. See tips below.
  • Food Exhibitors and Samples Exhibitors are recommended to bring 6,000 free food samples.
  • All exhibitors, representatives and volunteers can check-in and receive a wristband at the "Exhibitor Check-in" desk inside the loading doors before 9:30am each day or in the lobby of Hall A after 9:30am.
  • Parking is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Parking in the Oregon Convention Center underground lot is $10/day. More information is available here.

Questions? Contact exhibitors@nwveg.org.


Events generate a large amount of waste, and VegFest is committed to minimizing the amount going into landfills. We will be recycling along with composting food at this event, and we need your help! We ask that you please support our efforts to be an environmentally responsible event. To assist you, we have compiled the following information and helpful hints.

Please minimize waste

First and foremost, we would like to ask you to minimize the amount of waste generated from your table. When giving food samples, please avoid the use of plates, cups, forks, etc. unless absolutely necessary.

Please recycle

The following materials will be collected for recycling:

  • Cardboard and clean paper
  • Plastic bottles, film plastic, shrink wrap
  • Aluminum cans and clean foil
  • Glass
  • Block Styrofoam
  • Table vinyl

Please support our composting efforts

We will be composting food scraps only at this event. Paper and plastic products are not acceptable in Portland's food waste composting program.