Northwest Health and Nutrition Conference

Friday, September 20, 2013
Ambridge Event Center
1333 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97232

Professional Presentations for Health Care Providers and the Community

Enhancing Health with Plant-Based Nutrition is a golden opportunity for you to find out the latest information on plant-based diets with respect to clinical nutrition, the effects of diet on chronic disease prevention and control, and on designing an optimum plant-based diet. Interest in plant-based diets is growing, and Portland, Oregon has become a center for that developing interest. This is a professional conference, offering continuing education credits for many medical professionals, but others with strong interests in health and diet issues are welcome to attend.


Friday, September 20, 2013

8:30-8:45Welcome Remarks
8:45-9:45Hans Diehl, DrHSc: The Role of Diet in Regressing Coronary Artery Disease
10:00-11:00Susan Levin, MS, RD: Different Dietary Choices: Trend vs. Science
11:15-12:15Mark Kinjo, ND: Beyond Longevity: Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors for Optimal Brain Health
1:30-2:30Brenda Davis, RD: Recent Evidence on Plant-Based Diets and Disease
2:45-3:45John McDougall, MD: Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Diseases: The Impact of Diet
4:00-5:00Robert Ellis, DO, PhD: Panel Discussion: Incorporating Plant-Based Diets Into Your Practice

Faculty & Talk Descriptions

John McDougall

John McDougall, MD

Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Diseases: The Impact of Diett

John McDougall, is author of 4 best-sellers on reversing chronic disease though diet without drugs, including The Starch Solution, Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up, and The New McDougall Cookbook. The McDougall Research and Education Foundation and the Neurology Department of Oregon Health Sciences University are currently conducting a major study on the impacts of diet on Multiple Sclerosis. Participants involved in this research are randomly assigned to follow the low-fat, starch-based McDougall Diet or the standard American diet (the control diet). Results are based on MRI scans, an evaluation of the progression of disability by a doctor, and questionnaires. Traditional medicine has unfortunately had very little impact on Multiple Sclerosis. There is no known cure, and drugs currently used to help lessen the symptoms are expensive, have their own side effects, and have little effect on the disease.

Brenda Davis

Brenda Davis, RD

Recent Evidence on Plant-Based Diets and Disease

Brenda Davis is co-author of 8 books, including Becoming Vegan, Defeating Diabetes, Becoming Raw, and The Raw Food Revolution Diet. She is a past chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Brenda is currently involved in a major diabetes intervention research project in the Marshall Islands, where diabetes is rampant. Sixty years ago, diabetes was virtually unheard of in the Marshall Islands, but now close to 50% of adults older than 35 have type 2 diabetes.

Hans Diehl

Hans Diehl, DrHSc

The Role of Diet in Regressing Coronary Artery Disease

Hans Diehl is the founder of the Lifestyle Medicine Institute of Loma Linda, California, and its Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), a lifestyle intervention program with more than 60,000 graduates. His pioneering efforts with Nathan Pritikin and Dr. Denis Burkitt have shown that many of today's diseases are truly reversible through some simple lifestyle changes. As a best selling author, researcher, dynamic speaker & top-ranking motivator, he has lectured and presented seminars to corporations and governments and has presented seminars on four continents.

Susan Levin

Susan Levin, MS, RD

Different Dietary Choices: Trend vs. Science

Susan Levin is the director of nutrition education at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). In that position, she researches and writes about the connection between plant-based diets and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Through her work, she also addresses the need for nutrition guidelines that reflect PCRM's New Four Food Groups (fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains). In addition, Ms. Levin assists in teaching nutrition and health classes to participants in a clinical study exploring the links between diet and diabetes. Ms. Levin received her Master of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.

Mark Kinjo

Mark Kinjo, ND

Beyond Longevity: Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors for Optimal Brain Health

Mark Kinjo is a Naturopathic physician working in a multi-disciplinary, family practice clinic in Bellevue, Washington. After starting his medical education at Loma Linda University, he switched to Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington to obtain his Naturopathic degree. Utilizing his training in natural medicine alongside traditional medical care providers gives him the opportunity to help patients achieve the best care possible for whatever health issues they may be facing. Dr. Kinjo firmly believes in the efficacy of Lifestyle Medicine and has given numerous lectures and seminars both here in the U.S. and abroad to help empower the public with science-based, practical information that will enable them to make wise decisions regarding their health.

Robert Ellis

Robert Ellis, DO, PhD

Panel Discussion: Incorporating Plant-Based Diets Into Your Practice

Dr. Ellis works in the Hematology and Oncology Department at Kaiser Permanente in Longview Washington, where he is developing a program that integrates healthy eating in the treatment regimen for patients with malignant disorders. Ed Hoover of Adventist Medical Center will moderate the panel. How can you best use tools of dietary change to help your patients or clients achieve health? This panel will also include speakers listed above.